Favorites for ilb ilb
Install ilb ilb favorites
EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
Subversive - SVN Team Provider
The Subversive project is aimed to integrate the Subversion (SVN) version control system with the Eclipse platform. Using the Subversive plug-in, you can work with projects stored...
AnyEdit Tools
Eclipse community awards 2009 finalist AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor...
TM Terminal
A fully working command-line Terminal inside Eclipse. Just press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a local command prompt (Terminal). That's all - it just works :) Previous sessions are...
Eclipse Embedded C/C++
The Eclipse Embedded CDT (C/C++ Development Tools, formerly GNU MCU/ARM Eclipse) is an open source project that includes a family of Eclipse plug-ins and tools for multi-platform...
Indent Guide
IndentGuide Adds configurable indent guide lines to Eclipse text editors. Update site Certiv Tools https://www.certiv.net/updates Support Github Issues Preferences The preference...
Pkg-config support for Eclipse CDT
Provides automation of configuration needed for projects using pkg-config, such as GTK+ and gtkmm. Pkg-config utility outputs the necessary options needed to build a given package...
Linux Profiling Tools
The Linux Profiling Tools project aims to bring a full-featured C and C++ IDE to Linux developers. We build on the source editing and debugging features of the CDT to integrate...