Spring Tools (aka Spring Tool Suite)
Spring Tools is the next generation of Spring Boot tooling for your favorite coding enrivonment. Largely rebuilt from scratch, it provides world-class support for developing Spring...
Spring Tools is the next generation of Spring Boot tooling for your favorite coding enrivonment. Largely rebuilt from scratch, it provides world-class support for developing Spring...
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
Includes the HTML, CSS, and JSON Editors, and JavaScript Development Tools from the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project, aimed at supporting client-side web development and node.js...
A fully working command-line Terminal inside Eclipse. Just press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a local command prompt (Terminal). That's all - it just works :) Previous sessions are...
Includes the XML, XML Schema, and DTD Editors and Tools, and XSL Developer Tools from the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project. For questions and troubleshooting, please use our...
Mylyn integrates defect and project management systems, build systems and other software development tools with Eclipse.
This plugin is not needed starting with Eclipse 2022-09 (4.25) From Eclipse 2022-09 the official Eclipse Console supports ANSI escape sequences: https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse...
Maven (Java EE) Integration for Eclipse WTP (a.k.a m2e-wtp) aims at providing a tight integration between Maven Integration for Eclipse (a.k.a m2e) and the Eclipse Web Tools...
m2e-apt functionality is now directly included in m2e 2.x, therefore this m2e-apt entry is no longer compatible with Eclipse 2022-09 and needs to be removed. m2e-apt aims at...
Adds support for EditorConfig to Eclipse. The plugin applies the editorconfig settings for a file when opened in a supported editor (currently Text, Java, XML and Ant editors)...
This listing installs support into Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry, the industry’s first open platform as a service. A Java 8 Execution Environment is required. Run your Spring...
An Eclipse plug-in for working with MapStruct The plugin gives some assistence in projects that use MapStruct to generate bean mapping code. Code-Completions Completion of target...
GitHub Flavored Markdown viewer plugin (GFM Viewer) adds View that displays .md files as they would be on GitHub. Right-click any .md file then select ''Show in GFM view". It also...
M2E Connector for the maven-dependency-plugin The connector is designed to execute the copy, copy-dependencies, unpack and unpack-dependencies goals of the maven-dependency-plugin...
JHipster IDE provides editing support of JHipster Domain Language (JDL) files for pupular IDEs and editors such as Eclipse and Visual Studio Code. The following features are...
The VMware tc Server Integration for Eclipse adds server adaptors for the VMware tc Server to the Eclipse JEE tooling. It makes it easy to deploy apps, start, debug and stop your...
The Mylyn connector for MantisBT allows you to manage your bugs straight from Eclipse. Supported features include: - creating and updating tasks - synchronizing - tasks -...
This m2e connector for WRO4J (https://code.google.com/p/wro4j/) will execute wro4j-maven-plugin:run on Eclipse incremental builds, if a change is detected on css, js, less, json...