An Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. Developed and maintained by Subversion core committers, Subclipse is always in synch with...
An Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. Developed and maintained by Subversion core committers, Subclipse is always in synch with...
The Checkstyle Plugin (eclipse-cs) integrates the well-known source code analyzer Checkstyle into the Eclipse IDE. Checkstyle is a development tool to help you ensure that your...
Eclipse community awards 2009 finalist AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text- based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor...
FindBugs is a defect detection tool for Java that uses static analysis to look for more than 200 bug patterns, such as null pointer dereferences, infinite recursive loops, bad uses...
JAutodoc is an Eclipse Plugin for automatically adding Javadoc and file headers to your source code. It optionally generates initial comments from element name by using Velocity...
UCDetector (Unnecessary Code Detector) is a eclipse PlugIn tool to find unnecessary (dead) public java code. For example public classes, methods or fields which have no references.
Do you want more beautiful Eclipse 4? Change it! Release Note Bug Report User Guide FAQ Get more information from Please Don't Post Bug...
Dark UI theme for Eclipse 4+. Installation: Install the plugin; Restart Eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance; Select MoonRise (standalone) or, for a little...
Apache IvyDE™ is the Eclipse plugin which integrates Apache Ivy's dependency management into Eclipse. It lets you manage your dependencies declared in an ivy.xml in your Java...
JadClipse is a plug-in that seamlessly integrates Jad (the fast Java decompiler) with Eclipse. Normally, when opening a class file the Class File Viewer will show a brief API...
Mylyn Builds Connector for Hudson/Jenkins adds Builds view to review, start builds in CI server. Features: - connect to many Hudson/Jenkins instances, filtered list of jobs - view...
CallGraph: Provides Call-Path and Sequence Diagram viewers. Enables graphical analysis of program call relations and flow sequencing. Also enables exploration of extended class...
The question I very often have is: which objects (recursively) are loaded in memory if a particular object is created? If you know the Call Hierarchy plugin, you will find the Data...
This plugin has the simple objective to let developers write small notes. The notes are stored inside the workspace metadata.
JRipples helps programmers during software change. JRipples is based on the philosophy of “intelligent assistance”, which requires close cooperation between the programmer and the...