DPJ stands for Deterministic Parallel Java, and is available at http://dpj.cs.illinois.edu/. DPJizer is an Eclipse plug-in that helps programmers write DPJ programs. DPJizer is a...
COLA Tests m2e connector - No longer required (see details) JUnit + BDD = COLA Tests COLA Tests is a BDD framework built on top of JUnit. It is easy to use, setup and above all...
This Eclipse plug-in adds syntax highlighting support for the following languages/file formats utilizing Eclipse TM4E: ANTRL4 - https://www.antlr.org/ Apache HTTP configuration...
This plugin allows you to register a Windows Explorer "Open with Eclipse" menu entry for your Eclipse installation. Source Code: https://github.com/sebthom/open-with-eclipse-plugin
Next ABAP extension for ADT Tools. Split from ABAP Favorites in order to keep clean and to keep the core functionality of Favorites alone, giving the users a choice if they want to...
The ABAP Code Search is a tool which offers the possibility to search in ABAP source code for a given string. The most important features provided by the ABAP Code Search are works...
Direct installation: https://leuc.de/abapquickfixs4c/ (de.leuc.adt.quickfix) ABAP Quick Fix S4 Conversion Functions: Convert select single to select ... up to 1 rows ... order by...
ABAP Search and Analysis Tools is an Open Source plugin which provides tools for searching and analyzing ABAP objects. The main purpose of the plugin is to provide advanced search...
ABAP Tags is an Open Source Plugin which provides tools for adding arbitrary tags to ADT objects. The main features of this plugin are: View to manage ABAP Tags Wizard to assign...
An Eclipse plugin which generates Javadoc for getters and setters of a Java class. The generated Javadocs are based on those of fields corresponding to the getters or setters. How...
Actifsource is a code generator plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. Code generation is driven by models which are created according to user-defined meta-models. UML-like graphic editor...