Palladio 3.3.1 for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)
Palladio is a software architecture simulation approach which analyses your software at the model level for performance bottlenecks, scalability issues, reliability threats, and...
EGradle is a lightweight, fast and comfortable gradle integration for eclipse Features overview Console and Eclipse can be used parallel without conflicts New Project Wizard Build...
Asciidoctor Editor This eclipse plugin is a text editor for asciidoc files. Features Fast html preview Easy to use, no special project setup necessary ( YouTube video) Can generate...
Vertigo Dsl Plugin. Enables syntax highlighting for ksp files.
Zip, Unzip, verify, manage, view, and edit EULUMDAT and IES files EULUMDAT is the European standard for photometric data used by all major lighting design programs IES is the IESNA...
e(fx)clipse is a set of plugins who make developing JavaFX 2 application with your favorite IDE an excellent experience. It provides wizards, specialized CSS and XML editors needed...
EMF Forms provides a new way of developing form-based UIs. Instead of manually coding form-based layouts, it allows you to describe the UI with a simple model instead of with code...