COLA Tests m2e Connector
COLA Tests m2e connector - No longer required (see details) JUnit + BDD = COLA Tests COLA Tests is a BDD framework built on top of JUnit. It is easy to use, setup and above all...
COLA Tests m2e connector - No longer required (see details) JUnit + BDD = COLA Tests COLA Tests is a BDD framework built on top of JUnit. It is easy to use, setup and above all...
Source folders: Automatically configure source folders for the generated assertion classes. Refresh: Automatically refresh the generated assertion classes upon source changes.
Provides a m2e connector for Flex maven projects build with the net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-maven-plugin (version 5 and 6) to Flash Builder. Supports Right-click on project, Maven...
The Groovy Development Tools (GDT) provides Eclipse and Maven (m2e) support for the Apache Groovy programming language. GDT adds full-featured IDE support including editors...
Specify eclipse formatting rules and plugin settings only once in your Maven project definition and have everybody on your team use the same settings. No more code formatting...
m2e-apt functionality is now directly included in m2e 2.x, therefore this m2e-apt entry is no longer compatible with Eclipse 2022-09 and needs to be removed. m2e-apt aims at...
Maven launch participant enabling colored output when the ANSI Escape in Console plugin is installed. It can be disabled in the "Launch Extensions" tab of the Launch Configuration...
The connector is designed to execute the wsimport, wsgen, wsimport-test and wsgen-test goals of the jaxws-maven-plugin with m2e.
M2E Connector for the maven-dependency-plugin The connector is designed to execute the copy, copy-dependencies, unpack and unpack-dependencies goals of the maven-dependency-plugin...
M2E Connector for the maven-remote-resources-plugin The connector is designed to execute the process and bundle goals of the maven-remote-resources-plugin with m2e.