UML Lab Modeling IDE
UML Lab provides truly agile modeling and coding with Eclipse. The tool integrates UML modeling with code generation and template-based reverse and round-trip engineering.
Agile Pseudocode Development Tool
Envision - Agile Pseudocode Development Tool (APDT) speeds up planning and application modeling. The tool helps decrease the gap between developers and non-technical guys on a...
AguiaJ is a pedagogical environment for experimenting with objects in Java, making easy to illustrate interactively object-oriented concepts such as encapsulation, polymorphism...
Ambient is a simplified view for your Eclipse workbench. It is a set of tools that load as a plugin and has some great features for the beginning computer scientist: Snarfer allows...
Moodle VPL Plugin for Eclipse. It allows the import/export of Virtual Programming Labs submissions for Moodle LMS. It also allows students to request evaluation of their submission...
Collage Framework and Code Markup Tools
Add ink annotations and text comments on top of the code in your Eclipse editor. Design your own editor extensions. Collage is a framework that lets you create and edit layers of...
UMLet - UML Tool for Fast UML Diagrams
The free UML tool UMLet lets you draw UML diagrams with a light-weight, pop-up-free user interface. It lets you draw diagram sketches fast; export diagrams to pdf, eps, jpg, gif...