MoRE Player - PL/I

Solution Description

Interactive Objects Software presents "MoRE Player - PL/I", the first product within our new product-line "MoRE Players". "MoRE Player - PL/I" is an Eclipse-Plugin for the programming language PL/I and addresses application developers, software engineers, and system analysts looking for tool-based support for their work with PL/I.

The modularity of our "MoRE Solution" enables us to offer this product-line independently, which optimally supports typical tasks during development and analysis of PL/I systems. Read more about our whole "MoRE Solution" at



Key features of "MoRE Player - PL/I" are:

PL/I Editor: Source code editor including...

  • Syntax highlighting
    Keywords and characteristic text patterns are highlighted.
  • Content folding
    Blocks of code can be folded, so that lucidity can be enhanced.
  • Syntactical analysis of source code (incl. markers)
    The syntactical analysis checks, whether the source code is correct PL/I code and so complies to the target language. Thereby possible errors are highlighted in the code.
  • Search for references and declarations
    With the built-in search feature you can quickly find references of a source code element or its declaration.
  • Navigation to elements ("Go to ...")
    Quick navigation in the code to related elements.

Outline View
In the Outline View elements like functions, structures, etc. are grouped and can be jumped to quickly.

Call Hierarchy View
Hierarchical view of callers and callees in a separate view.

Special search feature for PL/I
Typecast search for declarations, references and occurences of PL/I elements leads to better results.



Beyond that, "MoRE Player - PL/I" features for abstraction, reduction, navigation, and traceability make this product an ideal helper for

  • Modernization initiatives
  • Extending the end-of-life of legacy applications
  • Maintenance and development activities

and lead to considerable reduction of effort and better risk management.


Additional products within the product line "MoRE Players" (i.e. for COBOL) to follow in further releases.

Additional Details

Organization Name: Interactive Objects Software GmbH

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 - 05:13

License: Commercial

Date Updated: Friday, April 13, 2018 - 13:56

Submitted by: Interactive Objects Software GmbH

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