inCode Helium

Solution Description

Welcome to inCode Helium, the next generation quality exploration tool designed by developers, for developers. inCode Helium detects quality problems and helps you understand their underlying causes. It features:

  • automated detection of design problems and ranking based on problem severity
  • interactive visual maps of the code with smart spotlight functionality
  • metrics-based characterisation of software systems with built-in intuitive interpretation
  • powerful design and code exploration tools with context-sensitive exploration tips
  • fast and reliable analysis of very large code bases (Java, C and C++)

inCode Helium is the perfect daily companion for professional developers, acting as a non-intrusive pair programming buddy. It is available either as a fully integrated plugin for the Eclipse IDE or as a standalone RCP application.

inCode Helium is free* for use in open-source projects and for educational purposes, while commercial licensing starts from 79 EUR.

* subject to approval by Intooitus s.r.l.

Additional Details

Organization Name: Intooitus s.r.l.

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 - 08:18

License: Commercial

Date Updated: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 - 10:03

Submitted by: Intooitus srl

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