DaVinci Studio

Solution Description

DaVinci supports a wide variety of open source frameworks such as jQuery Mobile, KnockOut, Underscore, Handlebars, Backbone, etc. to aid you in HTML5 web app development. And we keep updating – the team is looking forward to new frameworks that may come up!

HTML5 is evolving faster than we all expected. What is most important for a solution based on HTML5?

Devs want to make sure that new technologies do not interfere with older ones, that they support development or collaboration workflows, and that they help utilize HTML5 in a quick and easy manner.

DaVinci Studio will become your steady side-kick in the world of HTML5.

  • DaVinci Studio has a powerful project manager and code editor developed as an Eclipse plug-in.
  • Use the emulator to simulate N-screen environments and the build server to easily create hybrid applications.
  • Includes a tool chain of everything you will need for web application development: Data Binding Editor, N-Screen Editor, CSS3 Animation Editor, etc.
  • Perfectly compatible with open source frameworks. Completely supports the world’s most widely used jQuery Mobile and even has a WYSIWYG authoring environment. Find Visual Data Binding functions based on templates that utilize Knockout.js, Underscore, and HandleBars.
  • Provides devs a number of extensive functions & widgets needed when developing web applications.

  • For more Information regarding installation, etc. please visit our website: www.davincisdk.com

    Tags: html5, DaVinci, jquery

    Additional Details

    Organization Name: DaVinci Lab.

    Development Status: Production/Stable

    Date Created: Monday, July 22, 2013 - 02:02

    License: Commercial

    Date Updated: Friday, June 13, 2014 - 07:21

    Submitted by: Alfred Heu

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    February 2024 0/0 0 12
    January 2024 0/0 0 14
    December 2023 0/0 0 2
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