Quick Search for Eclipse

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2019-06 (4.12)


2019-03 (4.11)


2018-12 (4.10)


2018-09 (4.9)


Photon (4.8)


Oxygen (4.7)


Neon (4.6)


Mars (4.5)


Luna (4.4)


Kepler (4.3)


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Solution Description

Eclipse Quick Search is a fast and easy to use "search as you type" text search tool. Open with Cmd-Shift-L, type your search and see results immediately.

Please note: As of Eclipse 2019-09, the Quick Text Search got contributed to the Eclipse platform project, so no need to install it as a separate feature anymore. Every single Eclipse user on the planet can enjoy this feature now out-of-the-box.



Categories: IDE

Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: 2019-06 (4.12), 2019-03 (4.11), 2018-12 (4.10), 2018-09 (4.9), Photon (4.8), Oxygen (4.7), Neon (4.6), Mars (4.5), Luna (4.4), Kepler (4.3)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Organization Name: Pivotal

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 - 07:47

License: EPL

Date Updated: Monday, November 4, 2019 - 08:14

Submitted by: Martin Lippert

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Marketplace Drag to Install Button

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Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client

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In reply to by Nitish Gondkar

This marketplace entry supports Eclipse up to version 2019-06. As noted in the descripted, this feature is part of the Eclipse platform itself from Eclipse 2019-09 and beyond and therefore is automatically included in every Eclipse install. But the keyboard shortcut has changed slightly, so make sure you keep Alt pressed in addition to the old shortcut when executing.

In reply to by Constantin Rascanu

As far as I can see, you (or someone else) already filed a bug item to implement support for derived resources. So follow-up questions reagrding that bug should happen as part of that bug item as comments in bugzilla.

With regards to your question about "compiling" the plugin, you can check out the source code of the Eclipse platform project and compile the projects in your workspace for sure, but I am not sure what you are trying to achieve. You should ask that question with more details what you would like to do in the bugzilla entry, too.



In reply to by Satheesh Balu

Great to hear that you love this feature. As noted in the New and Noteworthy of Eclipse 2019-09, the Quick Text Search got contributed to the Eclipse platform, so there is no need anymore to install it separately (and that is also the reason why the marketplace entry is not available anymore for the 2019-09 version of Eclipse): https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.13/platform.php#quick-text-search

Please note that the keyboard shortcut has changed, so you might need to re-train your muscle memory a bit to get adjusted to this contributed version of the quick search.

Thank you for this great tool. Unfortuently it seems to be broken in Eclipse Version: 2019-06 (4.12.0).

It now looks like:


all files with the searched keyword


line with the searched keyword of the marked file above.


I already tried reinstall quick search without luck. Can you please fix this?

Thanks in advance.

This plugin is really a big help. I use them many times a day. I only miss sometimes a search option for whole words. I would highly appreciate when somebody would add this feature.



eclipse version: MARS 4.5.0    quick search version:3.8.4

Installed successful from Marketplace, but ‘ctrl + shift + L ’ doesn't work, and can't find quick search under preferences.

Please take a look, thanks!



In reply to by Jackie Li

I tried to install Quick Text Search into a fresh Mars.2 JEE package of Eclipse and it seems to work fine. The shortcut is "Cmd-Shift-L", btw, not "Ctrl-Shift-L" (but that also might depend on the platform). If it still doesn't work, we need to take a deeper look at why this doesn't work on your end. The best first step would be to open the Preferences -> General -> Keys" and search for the "Quick Search Command". It that appears in the list, the install seemed to work just fine (and it shows your platform-specific shortcut). In that case maybe there is a conflicting keyboard shortcut defined, so that something else gets executed when you press that shortcut. In that case you can look for another command in that list with the same shortcut and re-define the shortcut for the Quick Text Search to something else, for example.


The latest version of the quick search plugin is compatible with Eclipse Mars, so something seems to go wrong with or after the installation. Someone else reported a similar problem, so I think we need to investigate this a bit deeper. Please open a bug report at https://github.com/spring-projects/eclipse-integration-commons/issues or https://issuetracker.springsource.com/browse/STS (whatever you prefer), so that we can continue the discussion over there and ask for more details. Thanks!!!

In reply to by Mayur Malpani

I tried this myself quickly, used a vanilla Eclipse Mars.2 JEE package and installed the quick search plugin via the marketplace without any issues. The preference page "Quick Search" is showing up as well as the quick search dialog itself (after hitting the keystroke). Version 3.8.1 was showing up while installing the plugin. Did you install that version? And what happens if you try again with a fresh Eclipse install (trying to isolate the problem here)?

In reply to by Martin Lippert

following are the versions
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)
Build id: 20150621-1200

Quick Search Tool
Quick Search for Eclipse 3.8.1

When I install this i do not get any options about quick search in preferences , is there any prerequiste of STS tool for this to work.

In reply to by Mayur Malpani

So something seems to go wrong with or after the installation. Someone else reported a similar problem (see above), so I think we need to investigate this a bit deeper. Please open a bug report at https://github.com/spring-projects/eclipse-integration-commons/issues or https://issuetracker.springsource.com/browse/STS (whatever you prefer), so that we can continue the discussion over there and ask for more details. Thanks!!!

I have a java project that i'm currently working on. Plug in works great on java search, but doesn't seem to be working on javascript files. Any way i can add associations?

In reply to by Vikas Goyal

The quick text search should look inside JavaScript files by default. You can EXCLUDE certain types of files and specific folder names (and you can configure that yourself in the preferences), but all the other files are searched by default. Maybe your JavaScript files are inside one of those folders that are not searched?

This is a very good plugin. I've got used to it, but in new version it has a very annoying bug: when I try to find something in project, the "Matching items" list shows the same text and path many times (instead of displaying appropriate text and path for every result).
for example
line | Text | Path
| test | file 1 - /path/to/file 1
| test | file 1 - /path/to/file 1
| test | file 1 - /path/to/file 1
| test | file 1 - /path/to/file 1
Instead of:
line | Text | Path
12 | test | file 1 - /path/to/file 1
23 | test 123 | file 2 - /path/to/file 2
34 | dddd test | file 3 - /path/to/file 3
14 | test3 | file 4 - /path/to/file 4

Please fix it.

In reply to by Alex Mising name

Looks like you filed this against the STS issuetracker as well, which is good. Here is the reference:

The problem looks like a duplicate of this one:

which is fixed for the upcoming 3.7.1 release. So stay tuned, should be out next week.

Thanks for the great plug-in! I really like it and would like to add it to a customized Eclipse product. Can the key binding be redefined (not by the end user but e.g. in plugin_customization.ini)? The end user can redefine the key binding via the preference dialog in order to resolve the conflict with Key Assist. What I am looking for is a chance to set the default preference to key binding which is different from Ctrl + Shift + L.

An internal error occurred during: "QuickSearch".
Java heap space

I have 12 projects in my workspace, nothing unusual. Everything else I work on runs without causing any problems.
It doesnt matter what text I´m searching, I get that error in any case.

There is also no difference between Luna M7 and Kepler.

I think having search in a pop-up dialog box is a really bad idea and reminds me of search in old versions of Microsoft Word. Having search inline as a tab allows for an easy workflow as you aren't blocking anything and constantly moving around a dialog box. Instasearch is inline, and would be a really good search extension if it allowed for exact matches and case sensitive searches. I'm still looking for the holy grail of search in eclipse but unfortunately I don't think it exists yet.

Really helps to find text in a software. Easier and faster than existing text search (results appear in real time)
Highly recommended.
Should be part of standard distribution.

This should be part of the Eclipse platform, it blows the regular text search feature out of the water. Installed it both on STS and vanilla Eclipse.