Bravo JSP editor

Solution Description

Bravo JSP editor is a WYSIWYG JSP/HTML editor. It also include a powerful DOM modified tool, String externalize wizard. The free edition can be freely used without time limitation, commercial used is permitted.

Supported Eclipse Release: 3.6~4.7 (Note: Visual part does NOT work on 4.8/Photon or higher version!)

For Windows x64 and Eclipse 4.3.x user, please read this notice if you get error message.

Visual part: support CSS style, images, JSP expression/tag library/tag file, external included files . The HTML visual view can used to preview the HTML rendering of editing document.

Editor: composed by visual part and JSP editor from WTP(Eclipse Web Tools platform). So code assist, code template and other functions are reserved. View demo here (need flash player)

DOM find/replace dialog: Help to modify DOM based document by custom java script, the editing could be saved as command and combined to a "macro". This feature also support other editors based on Webtools, such as: Hibernate Tools' HBM XML editor. View demo here

String externalize wizard: A simple way to localized your JSP - extract the text inside JSP to property file, generate tag library code. View demo here (need flash player)

JSTL view: could list Java Bean's property or a resource bundle file in it. Once double click a row, the property name/resource bundle key will be copied into active text editor

Do you need to modify exist JSP/HTML based document frequently? Do you prefer to input/copy/paste in code editor? Try this plugins, you will love it!

Before you install via update site, please read installation page first

Categories: Editor, Tools, Web, XML

Additional Details

Organization Name: Beck Yang

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Monday, August 18, 2008 - 15:03

License: Other

Date Updated: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 - 09:53

Submitted by: Beck Yang

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