
Solution Description

Full Screen to editor for Eclipse.
Start the eclipse,And after eclipse started, Press F11.

Categories: IDE

Additional Details

Organization Name: www.ceclipse.org

Development Status: Mature

Date Created: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 22:49

License: Other Open Source

Date Updated: Monday, October 17, 2011 - 09:18

Submitted by: Ming.He Mising name

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Runs perfectly, I tried other methods but failed this plugin was the one who made the entire screen.

es: Corre a la perfección,Intenté otros metodos pero fallaron este plugin fue el único que hizo la pantalla completa.

Thanks for the feature, but there seem to be a small glitch. Eclipse window seems to be staying on top of other windows. I can switch to other windows using Alt+tab keys only when I minimize the Eclipse window.

By the way, I have eclipse on my Windows7 PC.

I just installed this and haven't gone through all the features yet, but I already like the full screen mode for eclipse. Thanks again.