Favorites for Hamad Allo
Install Hamad Allo favorites
PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse
PyDev is a plugin that enables Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE (supporting also Jython and IronPython). It uses advanced type inference techniques which allow it to provide...
Enhanced Class Decompiler
Enhanced Class Decompiler integrates CFR, FernFlower, JD, Procyon, Vineflower seamlessly with Eclipse and allows Java developers to debug class files without source code directly...
Andmore: Development Tools for Androidâ„¢
Provides tools for Android development. Andmore is being developed under the Eclipse Foundation and is the successor of the Google ADT plugin and the Motorola MOTODEV plugin...
Android ADT extensions
Quickly new/edit Activity/Service/BroadcastReceiver/ContentProvider in Android Project with a wizard and configure in AndroidManifest.xml. Contains all Android ORM plugin features