Favorites for Cédric Briand
Install Cédric Briand favorites
An Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. Developed and maintained by Subversion core committers, Subclipse is always in synch with...
PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse
PyDev is a plugin that enables Eclipse to be used as a Python IDE (supporting also Jython and IronPython). It uses advanced type inference techniques which allow it to provide...
EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
DBeaver is free universal SQL client/database tool for developers and database administrators. It supports more 100 preconfigured database drivers. Features: database schema...
Mylyn integrates defect and project management systems, build systems and other software development tools with Eclipse.
Eclipse TeXlipse
The TeXlipse plugin provides both LaTeX and BibTeX editors, a project creation wizard, and a complete user manual of the editor functions. Additional features include syntax...
DBeaver - Office integration
Office integration with DBeaver (https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/dbeaver/). Support data export in XLSX file format and direct results edit in MS/Libre/Open Office (Excel...
DBeaver - Git
Git integration for DBeaver Community (https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/dbeaver/). It allows to keep your connection configurations and SQL scripts in a Git repository...
Mylyn Trac Connector
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. The Mylyn Trac...
ImageJ Plugin
This plugin integrates the scientific image application ImageJ in an Eclipse view and is also part of the Bio7 application (http://bio7.org). ImageJ is an open source image...