ECF - OSGi Remote Services SDK
This feature provides the ECF Remote Services Target Components implementing the OSGi R7 Remote Services and Remote Service Admin specification. This is the set of bundles (API...
Automate your security analysis Cyber Architect is a tool performing security analysis of complex system. Based on a standards like EBIOS or PSSIE, Cyber Architect allows to create...
Automatically generate the fault trees for your complex systems Safety Architect is a tool achieving risk analysis of complex systems using functional or physical architectures...
Translation with POJOs There is the new Api for Translation E4 RCP… This Plugin takes the path to the Pojo...
This add-on allows users to collaborate on remotely shared models and representations All changes on the models and representations are automatically propagated across all users’...
Capella is a Comprehensive, extensible and field-proven MBSE solution to successfully design systems architecture. It provides provides methodological guidance, intuitive model...
Cantata advanced high productivity techniques allow developers to dynamically prove their code with intelligent unit and integration testing, in the most cost effective manner. The...
Goanna Studio brings the power of deep static C/C++ source code analysis to the fingertips software developers by integrating the Goanna technology directly into the Eclipse IDE.
ProR is the Open Source reference implementation of the open ReqIF standard, the exchange format for requirements. ProR Essentials are free extensions for ProR, which make working...
formalmind Studio is a free editor for requirements, based on the open Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF).