Set of small, but useful, features to Eclipse that I develop for my personal needs. Features Copy Path Copies the path of file or folder to the clipboard in Eclipse's Package...
Percepio Tracealyzer shows what is actually going on in RTOS-based software at runtime. Power up your debugging with advanced trace visualization. Stop guessing and boost your...
Eclipse Trace Compass is an open source application to solve performance and reliability issues by reading and analyzing logs or traces of a system. Its goal is to provide views...
Percepio Tracealyzer shows what is actually going on in RTOS-based software at runtime. Power up your debugging with advanced trace visualization. Stop guessing and boost your...
NTail: Log file 'tail' plugin for Eclipse. Features include: multiple, independent view instances can be open at the same time each view instance can host multiple log tail viewers...
Jump to code is integration of OtrosLogViewer with Eclipse IDE. If log event contains stack trace user can move mouse on selected stack element and click on it. IDE will open java...
The overall approach of MegaM@Rt2 is to scale up the use of model-based techniques by offering proper methods and related tooling interacting between both design time and runtime...