Workshop RCP OSGi SDK

Solution Description

Workshop Information Management SDK (WIM) is a project under the Eclipse Technology umbrella that will bring all these information in the Eclipse SDK by storing and visualizing different types of information or documents locally, make them searchable and by providing technologies to share information on remote repositories.

Workshop Information Management is a client application (or a plug-in for your Eclipse IDE) for the management of information with a connection to multitude of data repositories and a desktop-integration for an optimal usage for the offline management, visualization and easy accessibility of information to the user. The biggest efforts are the linking of information throughout different repositories, the offline storage, the clean representation and the fast search through the information.



1. How to develop Workshop RCP Application

1.1. Create an Eclipse RCP Project

1.2. Set Workshop RCP SDK Target File

1.3. Add Required Plug-ins

1.4. Set Eclipse RCP Start Levels

1.5. Install and Run Workshop RCP SDK Framework

1.5.1. Install Workshop

1.5.2. Select Database

1.5.3. Install Database

1.5.4. Login Workshop


2. Everything is Plugin

2.1. Workshop RCP Plugin Tree


2.2. Workshop OSGi Bundles Tree

2.3. Workshop IM Framework


3. System RCP Plugin

3.1. Admin UI Plugin


3.2. Home UI Plugin

3.3. Portal UI Plugin

3.4. Install UI Plugin


3.4.1. Install Control Panel

3.4.2. Install Extension Point

3.5. Login UI Plugin

3.6. Market UI Plugin

3.7. Help UI Plugin


4. Core RCP Plugin

4.1. JFace Ext UI Plugin

4.1.1. Table Model

4.1.2. Tree Model

4.1.3. Tooltip Model

4.1.4. Controller

4.2. Ribbon Ext UI Plugin

4.3. Navigator UI Plugin

4.4. Language UI Plugin

5. Database RCP Plugin

5.1. DB UI Plugin

5.2. MySQL UI Plugin

5.3. Oracle UI Plugin


5.4. HSQLDB UI Plugin


6. Connection Pool RCP Plugin

6.1. CP UI Plugin

6.2. C3P0 UI Plugin


6.3. DBCP UI Plugin

6.4. Proxool UI Plugin


Tags: osgi, RCP, workshop

Additional Details

Organization Name: Sunyang

Development Status: Alpha

Date Created: Sunday, January 22, 2012 - 11:15

License: Commercial

Date Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 06:54

Submitted by: Yang Lu

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