Samares Engineering focuses is expert in system engineering and especially Model Based System Engineering.
Expertise domains are Model driven approach, mainly to describe system architecture, but also requirement engineering and traceability, model based testing, functional simulation and links between architecture and all other specialty engineering domains including software and safety.
Samares Engineering works for industrial design offices (including Airbus), high schools and universities, and with AFIS (French chapter of INCOSE) to deliver consulting, initial and continuous training, need refinement into specification, process definition and improvement, audit/support concerning modelling and more generally methods and software tools enabling acceleration of system architecture definition.
Those activities concern all domains and in priority avionics, space, railway and automotive.
Samares Engineering is leader (Raphael Faudou) of PolarSys ReqCycle project.
* Setup of your model based engineering approach: matching your domain, your culture and your context (process, methods and tools)
* Expertise on modeling rules: model structure, common patterns, tradeoffs between efficiency and formal modeling...
* Training on UML/SysML modeling tools (including Papyrus and all EMF-related tools): pragmatical approach with teaching focused on the concepts you need in your daily modeling activities and illustrated with a sample case from your domain
*Audit of method and suggestions of improvements in order to accelerate some of your important tasks: design, verification / simulation, documentation, traceability...
* Suggestion of tooling customization to automate some your daily modeling tasks: simpler edition of diagrams, verification of consistency and completeness, edition and analysis of traceability links with textual requirements and between modeling elements...
* Gateways to migrate from document approach to model based system engineering approach: import / transform data.
* Gateways between modeling languages to automate some refinements or verification activities
Technologies: EMF/ECore, GMF, Sirius, Papyrus, ReqCycle
Additional Details
Locations: France (Toulouse)
Date Created: Friday, August 29, 2014 - 09:13
Date Updated: Saturday, August 30, 2014 - 13:28
Submitted by: Raphael Faudou