RMBench Relational Modeller

Solution Description

RMBench Relational Modeller is designed to be a one-stop Eclipse-integrated solution for grapically modelling relational databases. Databases can be reverse-engineered via JDBC, SQL can be generated from the model and executed directly from within the workbench.

Among the many unique features is the ability to compare a model against an existing database and view the changes in a structure view and as ALTER statements simultaneously. A model can also be exported to a HTML/Javascript site.

RMBench has recently been released under EPL and is now free for any kind of use

Categories: Database

Additional Details

Organization Name: ByteRefinery

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Wednesday, April 5, 2006 - 08:37

License: EPL

Date Updated: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 04:35

Submitted by: Christian Sell

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July 2024 0/0 0 7
June 2024 0/0 0 12
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April 2024 0/0 0 7
March 2024 0/0 0 7
February 2024 0/0 0 10
January 2024 0/0 0 21
December 2023 0/0 0 6
November 2023 0/0 0 6
October 2023 0/0 0 13
September 2023 0/0 0 4
August 2023 0/0 0 6
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This tool does everything I need. It's very well conceived and executed, and quite easy to use. I actually started to use a different free tool I found, but went looking for an alternative when I saw that it didn't support Apache Derby. This tool supports Derby and all the other popular SQL dialects. The interface is far more intuitive and easy to use than the other tool I was using. Without reading any documentation, in an hour or so I was able to create DB connections, import models, create models and diagrams from scratch, and generate the SQL. You can create tables in the table editor, or import them from your DB instance, and then drag them onto diagrams to see a visual representation. You can generate SQL from any model element or the entire schema in just a few clicks.