Legacy TI SensorTag Example for Eclipse Kura 4/5

Use this url in your Eclipse Kura workspace to install this package.


OFFICIAL ADD-ON for Eclipse Kura - This example application allows to interact with the Texas Instruments SensorTag: it allows to fetch the sensors data and publish the obtained values to the remote cloud platform.

NOTE: This bundle uses the legacy Eclipse Kura Bluetooth LE APIs. It is highly recommended to switch to the new Eclipse Kura Bluetooth LE APIs.

This package is an official add-on provided and maintained by the Eclipse Kura Development Team

It may be required to add the server certificates to your local installation

Categories: Eclipse Kura

Eclipse Kura
Package Version
Package Type
Minimum Java Version
Java 8
Eclipse Kura Version Compatibility
Additional Details

Organization Name: Eurotech

Organization Url: https://www.eurotech.com

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Friday, October 19, 2018 - 06:03

License: EPL

Date Updated: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - 10:05

Submitted by: Matteo Maiero
