Industrial TSI provides high quality services around enterprise open source solutions for data- and application integration, business intelligence, software development and office applications (consultancy, implementation support, training and after care).
Our roots are Eclipse based solutions, therefor Talend with it's Eclipse based Unified Platform fits perfectly within the proposition of Industrial TSI. Being partner of Talend and the Eclipse Foundation is a logical and strategical decission for us and benefits our customers.
As Partner of Talend we are able to help your organization with all it's data- and application integration challenges.
Industrial TSI is the first Eclipse Foundation member in The Netherlands and is Premium Partner of the Eclipse Training Alliance.
"Open Your Enterprise"
Industrial TSI provides a range of trainings and services, see below for a full list.
Eclipse Framework:
* Developing RCP
* Advanced RCP
* Eclipse Modeling (EMF, GMF, GEF)
* Developing OSGi
* Advanced OSGi
Business Intelligence Reporting:
*Eclipse BIRT
*Actuate BIRT
Industrial TSI provides the following services:
* Consultancy and Training
* Migration & Implementation
* Service Level Agreement (SLA, 24*7)
* Helpdesk support
Additional Details
Locations: Nieuwegein (Utrecht) The Netherlands
Date Created: Monday, October 15, 2007 - 09:42
Date Updated: Monday, April 2, 2012 - 08:26
Submitted by: Yuri Mising name