
Solution Description

Hunspell4Eclipse is an Eclipse plug-in, that integrates Hunspell into Eclipse’s Spell Checking Service.

This plug-in is capable of spell checking with any hunspell/myspell dictionary out there.

Categories: Tools

Additional Details

Organization Name: Lóránd Somogyi (

Development Status: Beta

Date Created: Monday, November 9, 2009 - 11:47

License: Free EPL

Date Updated: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 15:28

Submitted by: Lorand Somogyi

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Well, I have to admit that it's the first time that I hear about the Hunspell4Eclipse plugin, but now that I do know about it - it sounds like a very useful plugin especially for easily integrating a spell checking feature with dictionaries.

The plugin is a great idea, and I really would love to see it work but at this moment. It gives errors when the code assist is initiated:

The 'com.lorands.hunspell4eclipse.javaSpell.id1' proposal computer from the 'com.lorands.hunspell4eclipse.javaSpell' plug-in did not complete normally. Unable to instantiate the extension.

If you click it away it works normal but it will keep giving that error when you try using code asist. This makes this plugin ATM unusable in my view.