Engage BlackVault Code Signing and Certification Authority Appliance

Solution Description

Engage BlackVault cryptographic appliances make code signing and certification authority
operations secure.
Protect Cryptographic Keys and Operations
Perform Crypto Operations in Tamper Reactive Hardware

• Private / Public key pair generation, storage and backup
• Code Signing
• Certification Authority X.509 certificate generation, distribution and management
• FIPS 140 Level 3 Hardware Security Module ( HSM )
Due to continuously evolving threats (viruses, ransomware, Trojans, etc.), data security best practices dictate private keys used for code signing and certificates should never be “in the clear”. Unfortunately, too often these keys are stored on servers with weak password protection, and used in the clear by a server’s OS. This creates high risk for key theft or misuse, often resulting in disruption and financial harm to an organization.
Signing your Eclipse project code prior to publishing is a critical step in the DevOps process. With signed code users, can authenticate the author and verify the code wasn’t tampered with. Just as critical is keeping the private crypto keys and the operations they perform secure. The BlackVault makes this possible.

• Easily integrates with the Eclipse IDE
• Touch screen display for simple setup and use
• Zeroize (erases) keys when tampered with
• Online and Offline operation
• Code signing and certification authority applications
• Smart card Quorum for multi-department approvals

Additional Details

Organization Name: Engage

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 - 19:11

License: Commercial

Date Updated: Thursday, February 9, 2017 - 09:16

Submitted by: Tim Dyck

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