OFFICIAL ADD-ON for Eclipse Kura - This application enables Kura as a Beacon device. It allows the user to configure some Beacon-related parameters like UUID, Major, Minor, Tx Power, Company Code and others.
NOTE: This bundle uses the legacy org.eclipse.kura.bluetooth APIs for Bluetooth LE. It is highly encouraged to move to the new Kura Bluetooth APIs
This package is an official add-on provided and maintained by the Eclipse Kura Development Team
To install the package, simply drag and drop the Eclipse Marketplace link into the Kura Packages section of the Web UI (see Screenshots section).
Categories: Eclipse Kura
Additional Details
Organization Name: Eurotech
Organization Url:
Development Status: Production/Stable
Date Created: Thursday, June 1, 2017 - 04:16
License: EPL
Date Updated: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 - 05:55
Submitted by: Matteo Maiero