Liberty Tools for Eclipse IDE offers features for developing cloud-native Java applications with Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty. Iterate fast with Liberty dev mode, code with assistance for MicroProfile and Jakarta EE APIs, and easily edit Liberty configuration files. For more information, see the project documentation in GitHub or check out a deep dive of Liberty Tools
Categories: Application Server, IDE, Tools
Tags: Jakarta EE, WebSphere, Open Liberty, MicroProfile, tools, maven, gradle, fileExtension_java
Additional Details
Eclipse Versions: 2024-09 (4.33), 2024-06 (4.32), 2024-03 (4.31), 2023-12 (4.30), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-03 (4.27), 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25)
Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK
Organization Name: IBM
Development Status: Production/Stable
Date Created: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 - 13:05
License: EPL 2.0
Date Updated: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 - 11:05
Submitted by: Adam Wisniewski
Date | Ranking | Installs | Clickthroughs |
February 2025 | 101/599 | 124 | 20 |
January 2025 | 107/654 | 223 | 27 |
December 2024 | 103/654 | 246 | 24 |
November 2024 | 111/658 | 265 | 18 |
October 2024 | 65/663 | 520 | 9 |
September 2024 | 107/642 | 276 | 19 |
August 2024 | 106/641 | 236 | 32 |
July 2024 | 98/663 | 291 | 20 |
June 2024 | 108/681 | 278 | 21 |
May 2024 | 97/682 | 381 | 152 |
April 2024 | 91/687 | 417 | 19 |
March 2024 | 106/694 | 366 | 15 |
Unsuccessful Installs
Unsuccessful Installs in the last 7 Days: 11
Reviews Add new review
The plugin don't support maven jar project
Submitted by Danilo Berardi on Mon, 09/02/2024 - 12:45
Running the war project the online server statrs without problem, but the jar maven project when started recompiles the files by maven and then returns the following message:
Skipping module ReGisStub-1.0 which is not included in this invocation of dev mode.
The project is a springboot type version 3.3.1.
Is there a workaround?
Liberty Maven Plugin with Spring Boot
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Mon, 09/23/2024 - 13:46
In reply to The plugin don't support maven jar project by Danilo Berardi
Sorry, I just noticed this.
The dev mode in liberty-maven-plugin does not work with a Spring Boot JAR.
The only way to use dev mode with Spring Boot in Liberty currently is to use a WAR packaging type. Some of the details are described in this blog post . I recognize changing packaging type might not be an option for you though.
Note you should still be able to leverage the Java and server configuration assistance in Liberty Tools even without the ability to launch the app via liberty-maven-plugin dev mode.
If it helps I'll mention too that you can use liberty-maven-plugin to deploy a Spring Boot JAR to Liberty, (just not in dev mode). To use this approach you do need an extra configuration element, it should look something like this:
This technique is used in the Liberty Spring Boot guide:… (using the other synonym for this <deployPackages> configuration parm element, <installAppPackages>).
Thank you for reply. After…
Submitted by Danilo Berardi on Fri, 10/04/2024 - 02:13
In reply to Liberty Maven Plugin with Spring Boot by Scott Kurz
Thank you for reply.
After my request I found out the related maven plugin and the "mvn liberty:dev" works fine for my needs
Error when installing on brand new eclipse EE 2024-06
Submitted by Gil Tabakman on Tue, 07/23/2024 - 10:06
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Liberty Tools (
Missing requirement: JDT Language Server - Core ( requires 'osgi.bundle; org.eclipse.lsp4j [,0.23.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Liberty Tools (
To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; [,]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Liberty Tools Support for Language Servers (
To: osgi.bundle; 0.0.0
2024-06 not yet supported
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 15:50
In reply to Error when installing on brand new eclipse EE 2024-06 by Gil Tabakman
We don't support 2024-06 yet. The current latest version of Liberty Tools (v24.0.6) targets 2024-03 and we support the older versions listed above:
Eclipse Versions: 2024-03 (4.31), 2023-12 (4.30), 2023-09 (4.29), 2023-06 (4.28), 2023-03 (4.27), 2022-12 (4.26), 2022-09 (4.25)
2024-06 support
Submitted by Gil Tabakman on Thu, 08/01/2024 - 03:07
In reply to 2024-06 not yet supported by Scott Kurz
So when can we expect 2024-06 to be supported?
Repeat question - when can we expect 2024-06 to be supported?
Submitted by Gil Tabakman on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 09:38
In reply to 2024-06 not yet supported by Scott Kurz
2024-06 supported with v24.0.9 release
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Tue, 11/26/2024 - 10:02
In reply to Repeat question - when can we expect 2024-06 to be supported? by Gil Tabakman
Hi, sorry, I just noticed this reply, 3 months later now. (I still haven't figured out this message board obviously). Well, we did provide support for 2024-06 in our 2024.09 release, as you'll see here: In general, too, if you look at our release history,, you'll see we try to target the previous quarter's Eclipse platform release in each of the end-of-quarter months: 3,6,9,12. E.g we will most likely target 2024-09 in December 2024 with a v24.0.12 release. Hopefully you were able to give this a try in the meantime, but figured I'd answer for anyone else looking here.
Error when installing on brand new eclipse EE 2024-06
Submitted by Moises Caldas on Mon, 09/23/2024 - 09:52
In reply to Error when installing on brand new eclipse EE 2024-06 by Gil Tabakman
I tried a workaround solution, and it worked for me. I tested it in Eclipse 2024-09, but I believe it will also work in the 2024-06 version. First, you need to download the JDT Language Server from this link. Then, extract the tar file and copy the 'plugins' folder into your Eclipse home directory. Now, you can open Eclipse and install the plugin.
Spring 6 - Eclipse - Ant build - liberty tools compatibility
Submitted by Devanathan Vasu on Thu, 06/06/2024 - 09:51
If I have a project which is in Spring 6 and uses ant build, can the latest liberty plugin be used?
Yes, you can still get some…
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Thu, 06/27/2024 - 15:41
In reply to Spring 6 - Eclipse - Ant build - liberty tools compatibility by Devanathan Vasu
Yes, you can still get some value from Liberty Tools Eclipse with a project using an Ant build. You can get assistance with Liberty server config (server.xml,, server.env). You can also get some assistance for the Jakarta EE 9 APIs via the language server (though you shouldn't expect this assistance to be Spring-"aware").
You would not, however, be able to use the Liberty Dashboard view in Liberty Tools to view and run your app, since these leverage the Liberty Maven/Gradle plugins.
I'll also mention that we don't test for compatibility or coexistence with any Spring Eclipse tooling (e.g. STS), another thing you might be asking about.
Liberty Tool for multiple web applications
Submitted by chua chua on Thu, 11/16/2023 - 21:03
How can multiple web application sharing same port no e.g 9080 when using Liberty Tool (like Liberty Developer Tool) ?
Good question. It's true…
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Tue, 12/12/2023 - 07:47
In reply to Liberty Tool for multiple web applications by chua chua
Good question.
It's true that most of our tooling and documentation centers around a single application per server, and so, though we don't prevent you from using more than one app per server, the approach here isn't obvious.
So, it is possible to use the code assistance outside of a single, tooling-executable project. E.g you can use the server.xml code assistance to get completions for adding elements/attributes and Jakarta API quick fixes even without the ability to use a tooling-integrated deployment and server execution. True, this is less than a first-class experience but can still be helpful.
Another path you could take, assuming you're using Maven, requires a bit of setup work on your part.
You could create a multi-module project with a 'pom' module which will hold your server.xml configuration (and integration tests) and declare dependencies on your other modules. See here,… for some more details.
Please feel free to let us know your thoughts and feedback in this area.
Scott Kurz
suppoerted dynamic web module version
Submitted by Nobuhiro Demura on Wed, 08/23/2023 - 20:37
Thank you for your updating plugin.
I am creating a dynamic web project which is going to use jakartaee v9
Set target runtime to "Liberty Runtime"
I want to specify 5.0 for "dynamic web module version",
But I cannot select anything higher than 4.0.
We guess that the cause is as follows.
There is no description of version 5.0 or higher in the following places.
<extension point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtimes">
<runtime-component-type id=""/>
<runtime-component-version type="" version="4.0"/>
<runtime-component id="" version="4.0"/>
<facet id="jst.web" version="2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,3.0,3.1,4.0"/>
<facet id="jst.webfragment" version="3.0,3.1,4.0"/>
Is there a workaround for the above issue. Or is there an update planned?
Re: suppoerted dynamic web module version
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Thu, 08/24/2023 - 11:13
In reply to suppoerted dynamic web module version by Nobuhiro Demura
There is not an update planned since you don't need one to use the (new) Liberty Tools IDE feature. In Liberty Tools we take a different approach than the older Liberty/WebSphere Eclipse IDE tooling. Rather than providing Liberty implementations for constructs like the Target runtime to support things like the Publish operation and management through the Servers view, as in the older Liberty/WebSphere Developer Tools features, we use a different approach.
For Liberty Tools, we assume the use of a Maven or Gradle project. Compilation is performed against normal Maven/Gradle dependencies and the Liberty Maven and Gradle plugins manage installation of the Liberty runtime and deployment of your application to this runtime.
So using a Jakarta EE 9-level feature like Jakarta Servlet 5.0 simply requires you to use a Maven/Gradle project with a recent version of the corresponding Liberty Maven/Gradle plugin, a valid dependency in your pom.xml/build.gradle, and the servlet-5.0 feature in your server.xml.
Managing Liberty servers
Submitted by Ross Bender on Thu, 07/13/2023 - 10:09
Based on the above comments that plugin is a next-generation version of IBM Liberty Developer Tools, I installed it to compare with the other. However, after doing so I am not able to see or create Liberty server profiles under the "Servers" view.
We don't integrate any Liberty dependencies (Maven/Gradle) or configuration in our application; we deploy our app to Liberty using the Servers pane in Eclipse. Is this be supported in this plugin?
Re: Managing Liberty servers
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Mon, 07/17/2023 - 12:02
In reply to Managing Liberty servers by Ross Bender
Ross, thanks for your question. Though Liberty Tools is indeed designed as a next-generation version of IBM Liberty Developer Tools, we do not provide the equivalent function in the same manner. First and most importantly, with Liberty Tools we assume you're using a Maven or Gradle project configured with either the Liberty Maven or Gradle plugin. Most Liberty projects are using Maven or Gradle these days, but if not, you would first need to convert your project to Maven or Gradle to make use of Liberty Tools. With Liberty Tools there is no server under the Servers view; the Liberty server is "embedded" in the Liberty Maven or Gradle plugin. Also there is no "Publish" operation; the Liberty Maven/Gradle plugin deploys the application to the plugin-managed Liberty server.
Re: Managing Liberty servers
Submitted by Mark Su on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 10:26
In reply to Managing Liberty servers by Ross Bender
I believe it is.
In Liberty Tools for Eclipse plugin, when you select 'Servers' view and try to create a Liberty server, you should see 'WebSphere Application Server Liberty Extended Tools' under 'IBM'. After you installed it, you should see the same functionality like 'IBM Liberty Developer Tools' provides.
You don't really need Maven/Gradle at all, but I suggest everyone should try Maven/Gradle to let your development environment more friendly.
Re: Re: Managing Liberty servers
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Wed, 07/19/2023 - 13:32
In reply to Re: Managing Liberty servers by Mark Su
Let me clarify, (I know the naming involved is confusing). The Liberty-related entry in the 'Servers' view has nothing to do with the "Liberty Tools" feature supplied by this particular Eclipse Marketplace item. It might though be something you are getting from the <a href="">IBM Liberty Developer Tools</a> feature install.
Like I mentioned in my own reply comment, the "Liberty Tools" feature does indeed assume the use of Maven/Gradle, (though the "Liberty Developer Tools" feature does not, which I think is what you noted).
While there could be some amount of value potentially in installing both "Liberty Tools" and "Liberty Developer Tools" in a single Eclipse installation (e.g. to get code assistance for Jakarta EE 9/10 APIs), we don't really document this. The combination could get confusing because the underlying implementations are using different approaches and are not especially integrated.
Liberty Tools vs. IBM Liberty Developer Tools
Submitted by Michael Feichtegger on Thu, 01/05/2023 - 07:13
Are the Liberty Tools the successor of the IBM Liberty Developer Tools?
Re: Liberty Tools vs. IBM Liberty Developer Tools
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Tue, 01/10/2023 - 07:54
In reply to Liberty Tools vs. IBM Liberty Developer Tools by Michael Feichtegger
Michael, yes, we are developing Liberty Tools as a next-generation of development tools for Liberty, which we're developing in open source on GitHub. We invite you to try it out and we would be happy to hear your feedback.
Re: Re: Liberty Tools vs. IBM Liberty Developer Tools
Submitted by Keith Kee on Sat, 04/29/2023 - 10:15
In reply to Re: Liberty Tools vs. IBM Liberty Developer Tools by Scott Kurz
This plugin is not kept up with the current version of eclipse distribution. It says here that the 2 versions which it supports are 2022-12 and 2022-9.
Re: Re: Re: Liberty Tools vs. IBM Liberty Developer Tools
Submitted by Scott Kurz on Mon, 05/01/2023 - 16:50
In reply to Re: Re: Liberty Tools vs. IBM Liberty Developer Tools by Keith Kee
You can actually install the current version (v0.8.0) of Liberty Tools Eclipse on 2023-03 (v4.27) and it will work fairly well. We are currently working on a Liberty Tools version that will build upon v4.27 and take advantage of the base platform even better.