Team Explorer Everywhere

Solution Description

Please download this plugin from its GitHub repository and then install it in Eclipse from where its zip/archive file is saved on disk. Detailed instructions are found here.

Team Explorer Everywhere is the official TFS plug-in for Eclipse from Microsoft. It works on the operating system of your choice with your favorite Eclipse-based IDE and helps you collaborate across your development teams using Team Foundation Server or Visual Studio Team Services. It’s an easy-to-install standalone plug-in that is a free download provided by the same team at Microsoft that develops Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services. Note that a Team Foundation Server CAL may be required to connect to TFS, but this is not required for connecting to Visual Studio Team Services. Learn more about Microsoft tools for Java teams. Team Explorer Everywhere Features

  • Browse and clone Git repositories
  • Full access to TFS Version Control (TFVC), including check-in, check-out, sync, branch, merge, diff, etc.
  • Full access to TFS agile tools, work items, and issue tracking capabilities allowing you to add, edit and query work items
  • Full access to TFS Build functionality including the ability to create Ant, Maven, or Gradle based builds in TFS, publish JUnit test results into TFS or Visual Studio Team Services, monitor progress and handle results. This is fully compatible with all Team Foundation Build types including Gated Check-in and Continuous Integration Builds.

Localization / Translation Your language, your words, your plug-in for you! Along with open-sourced Team Explorer Everywhere (TEE) source code on GitHub , we are making it possible for anyone to contribute translations in your native language. With these changes, you can now improve existing translated resources, translate updated resources, or even provide new language support TEE did not have before. Your contribution will be part of the TEE Plug-in in your language for everyone to use. We highly appreciate your efforts, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions on the TEE community localization process. Your contribution could be in next release! Please click Localization for details on how to contribute in TEE community translation effort. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Happy contributing! For more information, including system requirements and details on command line connectivity to Team Foundation Server from Unix-based systems, see the Team Explorer Everywhere page.

Additional Details

Organization Name: Microsoft Corp.

Development Status: Mature

Date Created: Friday, April 20, 2012 - 15:48

License: Commercial - Free

Date Updated: Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 08:02

Submitted by: David Staheli

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I install the latest version of eclipse (2019-03) and I try to install the TFS plugin but I encounter the following error:


I'm facing issue integrating TFS plugin with STS and JDK 11. On opening the TFS perspective an error pops up and I'm unable to view the TFS server folders. The same setup of STS along with TFS plugin works properly with JDK 8. This issue is observed only with JDK 11 as a differentiator.

Anybody facing the same issue? 

Any support will be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

Earlier versions of the TEE plugin for eclipse worked fine, but now I get "authentication not supported" every time I try to Import Repository from a Git repo.

Steps to reproduce (references to TFS server, team project, and repository below are bogus for illustration only): Install brand new eclipse 4.5.2; Open Eclipse against empty workspace; Install latest TEE plugin (14.0.2) from Eclipse Marketplace; Connect to TFS server at [TFS server url]; Select Git-based Team Project MyTeamProject; open Git Repositories tab; right-click repository MyGitRepo and select Import Repository; step through the wizard until clicking Next on the Clone Summary screen results in the error message: "Clone operation failed: Error cloning the MyGitRepo repository.
[url to TFS-based MyGitRepo]: authentication not supported".

My environment details: Eclipse 4.5.2, TEE plugin 14.0.2, Windows 7 Enterprise SP1, 16GB RAM;

TFS Server environment: TFS Server 2013 Version 12.0.31101.0 (not sure of any of the other details)

NOTE: I have completely wiped out my eclipse installation and installed fresh, to no avail.

ALSO NOTE: The error message "authentication not supported" is identical to the error message that I get if I try to use Eclipse's built-in jgit/egit implementation to access the TFS Git repo - seemingly because TFS 2013 requires only NTLM by default (and our internal hosting team won't allow BASIC auth), and jgit does not support NTLM. So it's almost as if TEE is delegating the Git repo access to jgit, which fails due to lack of NTLM support.

Plugin not working. Lot of people having same issue:

MSDN boards have a lot of people complaining about this error.
search for
"How to solve "Error querying project collections"? error when getting projects from TFS in eclipse. "

After installing TFS plugin to Eclipse and adding our server info, we tried to connect (https protocol).
We got the error:
An error occurred: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Since TFS uses Java to verify the certificate chain we tried adding certificates to the keystore, but due to configuration issues outside our control (corporate parent) we were unable to get that to work.

Therefore our only option was to do this in Eclipse:

Window->Preferences->Team->Team Foundation Server
Click "Accept untrusted SSL certificates" box.

This allowed a connection to our server.

Unfortuantely, my local TFS instance is setup with an underscore in the server name. Because of this I'm unable to setup a connection to the server.

When I use "http:\\tfs2012_at:8080\tfs" I get "Using a host name that contains underscores is not supported" in the preview box and when I use "http:\\tfs2012%5Fat:8080\tfs" I get "Server name cannot be empty" in the preview box. Either way clicking the OK button does nothing and the server connection is not added. Is this a bug or can I work around this somehow?

(Please note that the backslashes in the URLs are only so I can post this message as it will not let me use URLs)

Can anyone please post a working download link for the "TFS Plug-in for Eclipse" plugin ? The install button doesn't work in Eclipse Juno and in Eclipse Marketplace the TFS-Plugin is also not shown.

With a new TFS 2012 support for GIT as the source repository, can this plug-in will support the TFS-GIT source repository. Will it continue to provide all the features like change set traceability, gated check-in etc., to TFS-GIT?

I tried the new TFS plugin in Juno, cannot get it to work when server requires certificate. It always fails with "The page requires a client certificate" in the ssl debug log (and 403 presented to the user). The old TFS plugin works fine under same Eclipse/ssl configuration.

I receive the following error message when trying to install this plug-in.

Unable to read repository at is not a valid repository location.

If I go to that URL I just get "Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details." so I'm guessing the hosting is down for the actual plugin.