Workspace Mechanic

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2019-12 (4.14), 2019-09 (4.13), 2019-06 (4.12), 2019-03 (4.11), 2018-12 (4.10), 2018-09 (4.9), Photon (4.8), Oxygen (4.7), Neon (4.6), Mars (4.5), Luna (4.4), Kepler (4.3), Juno (4.2, 3.8), Previous to Juno (<=4.1), 2020-03 (4.15), 2020-06 (4.16), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-12 (4.18), 2021-03 (4.19)

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Solution Description

The Workspace Mechanic automates maintenance of your Eclipse environment by tweaking preferences, adding extension locations, and so on. You can use it to:

  •  Create a consistent environment among groups as large as the entire company, your local team, or even among your own many workspaces
  • Save time setting up new workspaces
  • Create tasks that ensure your favorite new preferences are applied to all your current and future workspaces. (This is one of our favorite features!)
  • Continuously check your IDE Preferences against the checked in preferences (all workspace mechanic properties files can be checked in into teams favorite scm)
  • Ensure that whole team is using the same settings (save actions, file encoding (utf-8))

Categories: IDE

Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: 2019-12 (4.14), 2019-09 (4.13), 2019-06 (4.12), 2019-03 (4.11), 2018-12 (4.10), 2018-09 (4.9), Photon (4.8), Oxygen (4.7), Neon (4.6), Mars (4.5), Luna (4.4), Kepler (4.3), Juno (4.2, 3.8), Previous to Juno (<=4.1), 2020-03 (4.15), 2020-06 (4.16), 2020-09 (4.17), 2020-12 (4.18), 2021-03 (4.19)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Organization Name: EclipseLabs

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Thursday, October 16, 2014 - 05:49

License: EPL

Date Updated: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 09:48

Submitted by: Neil Bartlett

Date Ranking Installs Clickthroughs
July 2024 264/656 41 11
June 2024 257/681 58 18
May 2024 293/682 43 20
April 2024 290/687 48 18
March 2024 336/694 38 13
February 2024 279/687 50 10
January 2024 275/691 57 13
December 2023 263/671 58 11
November 2023 302/686 52 14
October 2023 280/673 59 11
September 2023 278/663 53 10
August 2023 254/673 62 7
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Unsuccessful Installs in the last 7 Days: 0

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Marketplace Drag to Install Button

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Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client

Reviews Add new review

The description of the plugin and the announcement which I found googling around (…) sound quite promising but how does one use it? I found no instructions, user manual nor description. Searching eclipse's help didn't reveal anything, either. So - how does one actually make use of this feature??? What do I need to do to make this copy my settings from an eclipse installation A to some (existing or new) installation B?

I have updated to use the links provided by Alfred Schmid, and also added Alfred as an editor of this Marketplace entry.

Note that I am not an author of this plugin. However it is a popular plugin that has not been submitted to the marketplace by the authors. I believe it benefits the marketplace and Eclipse ecosystem generally to have this entry, even though submitted by a third party.