IBM MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench

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Mars (4.5), Luna (4.4)

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Solution Description

IBM® MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench (previously for Worklight) is an automated functional testing feature for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications developed with IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation. Requirements:

  • You'll need the latest MobileFirst Platform Studio installed first.
  • To test Android applications, you'll also need a JDK added to your Eclipse path. Add the path to the JDK in Eclipse under Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs, and set it as the default JRE by selecting its corresponding checkbox.

As a developer, you can use MobileFirst Platform Studio to test your apps with Test Workbench. First, developers or testers record a sequence of actions on a mobile device, using a recording-ready app to generate a test script. Next, they edit and enhance the script using natural language syntax to add verification points and other instructions. Then, they can run the enhanced test script on a real device, simulator, or emulator. Results can be viewed and shared via a generated HTML report. See Testing MobileFirst Platform applications with the Mobile Test Workbench to learn more about using this feature, and the mobile test client, with MobileFirst Platform Foundation. For additional information and support go to

Additional Details

Eclipse Versions: Mars (4.5), Luna (4.4)

Platform Support: Windows, Mac, Linux/GTK

Organization Name: IBM

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 18:31

License: Commercial - Free

Date Updated: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 09:48

Submitted by: MobileFirst Platform

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January 2024 0/0 0 6
December 2023 0/0 0 4
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Hi to all,
I've try to install the Test Workbench both on Eclipse Mars.1 and Mars.2 on Windows10 but got the same error:

"The following solutions are not available: IBM MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench 8.7 (,"

Any suggestion on how to solve this problem?

When trying to install the Test Workbench (on linux Mint 17.3) I get the following error(s).
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: IBM MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench 8.7.0.v20160112_2203 ( 8.7.0.v20160112_2203)
Missing requirement: Apache 5.0.0.v20150814_1720 ( 5.0.0.v20150814_1720) requires 'bundle org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient 4.3.6' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Performance Schedule Execution 7.4.330.v20151110_1513 ( 7.4.330.v20151110_1513)
To: bundle 0.0.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Rational Performance Tester Core 8.7.10.v20151208_2051 ( 8.7.10.v20151208_2051)
To: [7.4.330.v20151110_1513]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench 8.7.0.v20160112_2203 ( 8.7.0.v20160112_2203)
To: 0.0.0

In reply to by Hans van der Zwet

Hi Hans,

Thank you for getting back to us with your development environment details. MobileFirst Platform Studio supports a wider range of Eclipse versions than does the Test Workbench. The Test Workbench failure you encountered is expected when installing on Juno. Would you please upgrade your Eclipse to either Mars (4.5) or Luna (4.4) and then reinstall the Test Workbench.
