Eclipse Marketplace Publishing Guidelines

Tuesday, February 9, 2010 - 11:16 by Christopher567…

The Marketplace Publishing Guideline is designed to help you better understand how we decide what gets published on Marketplace. Our goal is to make Marketplace a content rich, relevant and collaborative community. However in this day of spammers and pranksters, it is impossible to have a completely unsupervised community; hence our set of guidelines

In general, the content published on Marketplace is intended to convey relevant, useful information about Eclipse related products and services. We make every attempt to ensure everyone in the community is treated equally and in a transparent fashion. We also request that the community behaves in a similar fashion. For instance, we discourage individuals from trying to manipulate Marketplace to achieve a higher ranking for their products or try to disparage competitor products. If we believe someone is behaving inappropriately, they will be (if possible) notified and their content removed from the site.

We also allow for advertisers to include paid advertisements on Marketplace. These ads are not required to be Eclipse-related products and services, but they must conform to the guidelines outlined in our advertising prospectus and they are vetted by us prior to them being displayed. This advertising revenue is used to support the overall infrastructure operated by us, which is to the benefit of our overall community.”

To make it easier to understand how we operate the site, we have tried to answer some of the common questions.

  1. What items require approval?

    There are certain items that require approval by the Marketplace administrator before they will be published on Marketplace, including new listings. We will try to approve all items within 24hrs of submission. If you have any questions, Eddie is the person that does most of the approval, so feel free to contact him at

  2. What type of listings can be submitted to Marketplace?

    Marketplace is all about products and services for and from the Eclipse community. Therefore, we are looking for products and services that use Eclipse technology and that would be of interested to the Eclipse community. Marketplace is not a forum for listing general software, so if your product does not appear to be related to Eclipse, it probably won't be approved for listing.

  3. How is the new / updated plug-in list on the home page generated?

    When a plug-in is first added it will show up on this list as being new. Updated plug-ins show up when a new version is released. If a plug-in listing is updated but the actual plug-in is the same, then it will not show up in this list.

  4. How is the most active plug-in list on the home generated?

    The most active plug-in listing is generated on a daily basis and reflects the number of users that have viewed the contents of that plug-in AND clicked-thru to the home page for that plug-in.