Favorites for Łukasz Basiura
Install Łukasz Basiura favorites
Spring Tools 4 (aka Spring Tool Suite 4)
Spring Tools 4 is the next generation of Spring Boot tooling for your favorite coding enrivonment. Largely rebuilt from scratch, it provides world-class support for developing...
SonarQube for IDE
SonarQube for IDE (formerly SonarLint) helps you detect and fix quality and security issues as you write code in Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, PHP, Python, CSS, and HTML, as well as...
EGit - Git Integration for Eclipse
EGit is the Git integration for Eclipse. Git is a distributed versioning system, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code, making...
JBoss Tools
JBoss Tools is an umbrella project for a set of Eclipse plugins that includes support for JBoss and related technologies, such as Hibernate, JBoss AS / WildFly, CDI, OpenShift...
Checkstyle Plug-in
The Checkstyle Plugin (eclipse-cs) integrates the well-known source code analyzer Checkstyle into the Eclipse IDE. Checkstyle is a development tool to help you ensure that your...
SpotBugs Eclipse plugin
SpotBugs is a defect detection tool for Java that uses static analysis to look for more than 400 bug patterns, such as null pointer dereferences, infinite recursive loops, bad uses...
FindBugs Eclipse Plugin
FindBugs is a defect detection tool for Java that uses static analysis to look for more than 200 bug patterns, such as null pointer dereferences, infinite recursive loops, bad uses...
TestNG for Eclipse
This plug-in lets you run your TestNG tests from Eclipse. You can run suites, groups or individual methods. Errors are reported in a separate tab that lets you jump to failing...
e(fx)clipse is a set of plugins who make developing JavaFX 2 application with your favorite IDE an excellent experience. It provides wizards, specialized CSS and XML editors needed...
Mylyn integrates defect and project management systems, build systems and other software development tools with Eclipse.
The eclipse-pmd plug-in integrates the source code analyzer PMD into the Eclipse IDE. Everytime you save your work, eclipse-pmd scans your source code and looks for potential...
Minimalist Gradle Editor
https://github.com/Nodeclipse/GradleEditor Minimalist Gradle Editor for build.gradle files with highlight for keywords, strings and matching brackets and android support (by taking...
jSparrow - Java Refactoring and Java Code Analyzer
jSparrow plug-in developed for Java refactoring jSparrow is an IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality problems as you write code. jSparrow flags errors, similar to a...
Sirius is an Eclipse project (https://www.eclipse.dev/sirius) that allows you to easily create your own graphical modeling tools. It leverages the Eclipse modeling technologies...
Eclipse Jubula Database Drivers
If you are using the Jubula feature within Eclipse or are are working with the "Eclipse for Testers" package you have to install this feature to make additional database drivers...