SenseHAT example driver for Eclipse Kura 3.x.y

Use this url in your Eclipse Kura workspace to install this package.

OFFICIAL ADD-ON for Eclipse Kura - This driver allows to interface the Kura Framework with the Raspberry Pi SenseHAT. It allows to use the LED matrix, the joystick and the sensors available in the SenseHAT board. This Driver can be associated with an Asset instance inside Eclipse Kura runtime and can enable users to use it with Kura Wires.

This package is an official add-on provided and maintained by the Eclipse Kura Development Team

To install the package, simply drag and drop the Eclipse Marketplace link into the Kura Packagessection of the Web UI (see Screenshots section).

Categories: Eclipse Kura

Eclipse Kura
Package Version
Package Type
Minimum Java Version
Java 8
Eclipse Kura Version Compatibility
Additional Details

Organization Name: Eurotech

Organization Url:

Development Status: Production/Stable

Date Created: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 07:36

License: EPL

Date Updated: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 - 06:12

Submitted by: Matteo Maiero


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I am trying to use the driver but as soon as I add it in the Drivers and Assets page, I get the following error in the logs:

2018-05-09 13:22:12,062 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 7)] INFO  o.e.k.e.d.s.SenseHatDriver - Activating SenseHat Driver...
2018-05-09 13:22:12,062 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 7)] INFO  o.e.k.e.d.s.SenseHatDriver - Opening Sense Hat...
2018-05-09 13:22:12,133 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 7)] ERROR o.e.k.r.s.s.LSM9DS1 - Unable to read to I2C device
jdk.dio.UnavailableDeviceException: Locked by other application

If then, I add a new asset and configure a channel to read from the humidity sensor I get more errors. I don't have any problems with the python library.

Any ideas to solve this issue?

