Easy Console Grepper
An easy to use grep console for Eclipse IDE with a handful of useful functions. Filter Strings or RegExp matches from any TextConsoles Highlights matches Use filter settings for...
StatET for R
Eclipse based IDE for the statistical programing language R. It offers a set of mature tools for R coding and package building. This includes a fully integrated R Console, Object...
Tail Console
Tail Console provides an Eclipse console that continuously outputs the contents of a (potentially growing) text file, similar to the GNU command tail. For frequently used files...
JUnit Server Result
In a nutshell: This plugin is not a replacement for JDT JUnit view, but more an addition for junit server results. It shows server console output and error stream in own console...
TM Terminal
A fully working command-line Terminal inside Eclipse. Just press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a local command prompt (Terminal). That's all - it just works :) Previous sessions are...
Yet another Terminate Button (YaTB)
Sometime we running the application with buzy threads which make Eclipse build-in process terminate button can't stop the process. That's why this new button here, it will force...