SVEditor Update Site

-- 2.1.7 Release --

- #(nobug) - Migrate to Maven-based build

-- 2.1.6 Release --

- #(nobug) - Recognize (and ignore) the `uselib directive

-- 2.1.5 Release --

- #(enh - 138) - Match file paths in the console with a format "path", line

-- 2.1.4 Release --

- #(520) - Correct issue wih coverpoint 'X with' expression 

- #(nobug) - Correct a conflict between the string and single-line comment 
  highlighters that caused a comment embedded in a string to not be 
  displayed correctly

-- 2.1.3 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a Linux-specific issue with support for external files.

- #(519) Preferences bug with "Save Actions" 

- #(518) Macro Content Assist not formatting code

-- 2.1.2 Release --

- #(519) Preferences bug with "Save Actions" 

- #(enh) - Automatically link files referenced by the filelist into the
           project. This allows the "open resource" operation and file 
           search to see external files. There's more work to be done here,
           but initial functionality is in place.

- #(520) Parse error when soft constraints are used in an inline constraint

-- 2.1.1 Release --

- #(517) - Correct an issue with the new error-recovery code when the 
  number of errors exceeds 100 (the preset limit)
-- 2.1.0 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct parse bug with interface class multiple extension

- #(nobug) - Ensure built-in classes with __sv_builtin prefix are not 
  provided as content-assist proposals
- #(nobug) - Improve parsing error recovery to resume parsing the next
  file. This improves error recovery when parsing a package that 
  sub-includes several files.

-- 2.0.9 Release -- ??
-- 2.0.8 Release --

- #(enh) - Add support for built-in 'semaphore' class

- #(enh) - Add support for built-in 'mailbox' class

- #(506) Copying multiple lines 

- #(514) Indenter: Issues moving lines through multi-line comments

- #(515) Colorizer: Preference to "Treat all files as system verilog" ignored 

-- 2.0.7 Release --

- #(nobug) - Restored content-assist for built-in types (queues, arrays, process, etc)

- #(enh) - Connect the 'Rebuild SV Index' operation to the new build console

-- 2.0.6 Release --

- #(enh) - Enhance the editor performance when used with large files. This was
  done by changing how annotations (eg error markers, folding regions) are
  added and updated 
- #(enh) - Extend SystemVerilog build console support to incremental builds
  and project initialization

-- 2.0.5 Release --

- #(enh) - Add a SystemVerilog build console that shows the index process

- #(504) - Wrong indentation using DPI keywords 

-- 2.0.4 Release --

- #(509) - Correct incorrect indentation of a labeled covergroup

- #(508) - Correct incorrect parsing of implication within an expression

- #(507) - Correct issue parsing 'unique' constraint inside with block

-- 2.0.3 Release --

- #(503) Incorrect indent of `elsif

- #(504) SVEditor (including Eclipse) crashes after character insertion
-- 2.0.2 Release --

- #(502) - Format /beautifier of new feature matching begin/end code is not working with some cases, besides it is broken in 2.0.1

- #(489) - A few more fixes to (hopefully) prevent this bug.

-- 2.0.1 Release --

- #(enh) - Reorganize structure of package hierarchy view
- #(497) - Editor scrolls to start of file when saving with "Remove trailing whitespace" enabled

- #(129) - Improvement Request: Highlight matching brace on begin / end

- #(489) - Correct object-type ID issue for new 'unique constraint' object

- #(499) - Format /beautifier of special code in systemverilog is wrong (interface class) 

- #(500) - Add support for interface class and 'implements' clause of class declaration

- #(enh - 124) - Update build-script launcher to support termination.

- #(498) - Outline view is now properly shown for files that are not part of the index

-- Release --

- #(496) - Move back to building SVEditor Java7  (vs Java8)

-- Release --

- #(489) Correct object-type ID issue for new 'unique constraint' object

-- 2.0.0 Release --

- #(enh) - Add Classes, Modules, and Interfaces sub-sections to project explorer

- #(enh) - Add Classes node to the Objects view

- #(487) Indent of forever body is incorrect

- #(486) Goto Next / Previous Member not behaving as expected 

- #(485) Indent when adding Ndocs using Alt+Shift+J incorrect

- #(ehh - 20) Auto-indent:  at line begin should set correct indent

- #(491) Outline: Tracking of cursor has issues when code is folded 

- #(492) Support change of matching bracket color in SVeditor - eclipse 

- #(494) Parser: Optional second parameter for timeunit 

- #(493) Editor: Find Next / Previous element doesn't behave when code folding is active 

- #(126) Feature request: remove trailing whitespace on save (Window>Preferences>SVEditor>SaveActions)
- #(enh) Feature request: Format file on save (Window>Preferences>SVEditor>SaveActions)
- #(nobug) - Support class extension from a parameterized class with
 '#' omitted. For example: class ext extends base (1,2,3);

- #(enh) - Add support for exporting Custom Code Templates with preferences

-- 1.9.9 Release --

- #(enh) - Show package structure in the Type Hierarchy view (F4)

- #(enh) - Clean up Project Paths virtual folder. The folder is now named 'SV Contents'

- #(enh) - Add "Packages" entry to 'Project Paths' virtual folder

- #(enh) - Enable double-click navigation to packages 
  from 'Packages' list shown in the navigator

- #(480) Indent of default clocking block body is incorrect

- #(479) Unique is not supported by SVE

- #(483) Indenter: constraint Unique statement not indented correctly 

- #(484) - Correct handling of multi-line strings as macro parameters

-- 1.9.8 Release --

- #(nobug) Constraint indenter updates

- #(408) Code template issue
- #(470) bins usage

- #(332) Text is duplicated on copy&paste
- #(474) Indenter: Add randsequence support 

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse error involving inside in a primary position

- #(nobug) - Correct pre-processor error involving a blank terminal parameter
- #(nobug) - Correct pre-processor error involving double quotes in 
  `protected region
- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug involving map-initialization expression with
  a concat at the key

-- 1.9.7 Release --

- #(nobug) - Update Project Explorer decorator to recognize when files in a
  linked folder are being indexed via an absolute path (eg ${PROJECT_LOC}/../../folder/...)
- #() - Remove Global Defines tab from project properties, since it duplicates
  functionality provided by the filelist
- #(472) - Correct incorrect expansion of `" macro pattern

- #(471) 	weird copy paste problem

-- 1.9.6 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug with import statements in initial blocks

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the filelist creator when files are 
  included via relative paths (eg `include "src/cls.svh")
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with creation of relative paths in a
  new filelist, when the New Filelist wizard is launched from the 
  New SVE Project wizard
- #(enh) - Add checkbox to filter discovered filelists from 
  filelists created by the New Filelist wizard

-- 1.9.5 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correctly group 'Macro Expansion' view with SVEditor Views

- #(nobug) - Add 'New Filelist' to main SystemVerilog perspective menu

- #466 Auto Block commenting closing hangs or it is too slow with big SV files 

- #467 Find matching brace covergroup/endgroup pair not working

- #195 - Correct a parse error with localparam declared inside a module parameter list

-- 1.9.4 Release --

- #457 - Correct a parse error with "and" event operator

- #122 (enh) - Support comment toggle (CTRL+/) in argument files

- #(nobug) - Corrected a few issues with the macro expansion view. 
           - Removed extraneous `line directives
           - Aligned folding regions with text
- #(enh) - Add net.sf.sveditor.create_project application for creating
           an SVE project from the commandline 

-- 1.9.3 Release --

- #455 Parser Error: Property containing bus concatenation not recognized 

- #458 Outline View: cover property not displaying correctly 

- #459 Parser: property variable assignment separated by ,

- #462 Indenter: Expect block not property indented 

- #461 Parser: expect ## not expected 

- #463 Parser: support defparam on arrayed paths

- #456 Parser: support 'var' qualifier on module ports
-- 1.9.2 Release --

- #(nobug) - Migrate update site off of Sourceforge due to reliability issues

-- 1.9.1 Release --

- #(nobug) - Improvements to incremental indexing

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with line numbers and Windows-style line endings

-- 1.9.0 Release --

- #392 Wrong indent in case of unrecognized macro

- #445 Move lines "capturing extra lines" 

- Feature request: #(114) Implement "Go to Previous/Next Member" command in SV

- Feature request: #117 Add "Create Javadoc/Natural DOC" keybinding - Alt+Shift+J 

- Feature request: Added ability to add Natural Docs Comments on multiple files
   from the Project Explorer (Select file(s)>Right-Click>Source>Add Natural Docs

- #446 Line number not captured in for generate loop

- #448 Outline View: Modports not displaying correctly / cryptically 

- #449 Outline View: No icon for final blocks

- #447 Indenter: Clocking blocks not indented

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the "Add Project Path" dialog on the
  SystemVerilog Project Properties page.
- #451 Outline View: No icon for program blocks

- Feature Request: Added ability to run the indenter on multiple files from
   the Project Explorer (Select file(s)>Right-Click>Source>Format)
- #453 Parser error: Unconnected ports being flagged as an error 

-- 1.8.9 Release --

- #(enh - 116) - Add indenter support for move lines up/down action (ALT+UP/ALT+DOWN).
  Now, the lines being moved are properly indented based on the new containing scope.
- #(431) - Correct a parse error with task/function scoped end-block identifiers

- #(437) Indenter: Comment following inline typedef mis-indented

- #(438) Paste error when pasting at the start of a line, trailing code duplicated

- #(439) Indenter doesn't take care of leading whitespace on paste 

- #(441) Find matching brace issue with nested begin/ends

- #(442) SV format is not correct using ifdef after assert sv keyword

- #(443) - Correct an issue parsing a sized cast ( (WIDTH)'(expr) )

-- 1.8.8 Release --

- #(414) - Correct issues with using pre-processor macro with `include. 
  Macro expansion is now properly performed
- #(318) - Correct spurious pre-processor error when a file doesn't
  end with a newline.

- #(434) - Find matching brace /? select enclosing element doesn't pick up
  fork /? join statements
- #(435) - Indenter issue with "unique case()" 

- #(enh) - Add a basic Macro Expansion Viewer to assist in debugging 
  macro-expansion issues
- #(433) - Correct an issue with expanding macros that have macro 
  parameter references inside strings.

-- 1.8.7 Release --

- #(nobug) FIXME/TODO markers now placed on the correct line, previously placed
   on the first line of the enclosing comment
- #(427) Parsing file tree in File list wizard takes long

- #(428) SVE shows syntax error for correct code

-- 1.8.7 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a recursive macro reference issue

- #(nobug) - Remove the obsolete 'Hover Uses Browser' preference. 

-- 1.8.6 Release --

- #(425) - Correct an issue with the plugin-library indexer. Resolved a NPE
  issue during indexing

- #(426) Task markers (TODO/FIXME) not detected in multi-line comment

-- 1.8.5 Release --

- #(SR - 21) - Scope Hierarchy view to the SystemVerilog perspective. It no
  longer appears in all perspectives.
- #(enh)   - Add support for SV 2012 'interface class'

- #(nobug) - Allow variables to be used in run / debug configurations

- #(307) - Natural Doc Parser - Constraint Icon not showing

- #(nobug) - Cleaned up titles of some dialogs in wizards. Added Keyboard shortcuts to buttons of same. 
- #(nobug) - Fixed exception created when attempting to write xml - "indent-number" not recognized

- #(422)   - Correct an issue with absolute-path include specifications
-- 1.8.4 Release --

- #(416) first_match as first item in property failing to parse 

- #(411) Source formatting issue in SVEditor 1.8.3

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the New Filelist wizard, when invoked
  on a resource within an Eclipse CDT project
- #(nobug) Tutorial updated to use "SVE New Project Wizard" for project creation

- #(enh) - Change editor to use different keyword set based on the 
  file type. For example, a SystemVerilog file will highlight the 'int'
  keyword, while a Verilog file will not.
- #(420) - Correct a bug involving processing of a macro call with
  a multi-line string as a parameter

- #(421) - Correct an issue that occurs when a file is modified 
  and saved before the re-parse thread runs. Now, the re-parse thread
  checks whether the editor is still open before proceeding to re-parse
- #(nobug) - Forum discussion reported an issue with typed wires. Typed 
  wires (with primitive data types) are now supported.
- #(299) "Select Enclosing Element" shortcut does not work [minor] 

- #(421) Eclipse Preference not importing correctly from preference file 

- #(422) Absolute path for `include file not recognized - added testcase

- #(nobug) - Minor tweaks to "Natural Docs Generation Wizard"

-- 1.8.3 Release --

- #(407) Code Completion - Code completion returns previous result if no hit is found

- #(406) Indenter: always with bussed operation invalid indent
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the New SVE Project wizard, existing
  project directories, and the 'Add Project Path...' route to adding 
  an existing filelist. The button now functions as expected.
- #(SR - 17) - Correct issue with displaying the labels in the outline
  view for labeled blocks
- #(SR - 16) - Correct Open Declaration for class parameters

- #(323) - Correct Open Declaration issue when the instance name of a 
  module/interface instance is the same as the typename
- #(409) - Correct Open Declaration and Hover issue when the selected
  element begins with a macro. Now, the macro is correctly expanded
  and the complete target is opened.
- #(308) - Correct an issue with Open Declaration navigation and
  Eclipse's navigation history. Sometimes using Open Declaration for 
  a location in the same file as the source resulted in the Eclipse
  'Back' button not working properly.

-- 1.8.2 Release --

- #(enh) - Add New SVE Project wizard that assists in setup of new SVE
  projects, including specifying and creating the filelist.
- #(nobug) - Correct handling of module ports with a direction, but no 
  explicit type. These are now interpreted as single-bit ports.

-- 1.8.1 Release --

- #(403) Indenter: Indenter error for class containing virtual interface 

- #(402) Arg File Parser error - PROJECT_LOC case sensitive

- #(enh - 111) - Allow an argument file to be registered with the project 
  from the project-explorer context menu
- #(402) Arg File Parser error - PROJECT_LOC case sensitive

-- 1.8.0 Release --

- #(395) - Indenter: forever followed by #delay not indented correctly

- #(397) - Add support for 'alias' statement

- #(398) - Correct a parse bug with realtime local variables

- #(396) - Correct a bug when performing Open Declaration from a nested 
  behavioral statement.

- #(401) - Indenter: #xxx for (...) begin ... end not indented properly

-- 1.7.9 Release --

- #(394) Indenter: Named fork / join not indenting properly

- #(393) - Added support for default clocking that references a previously-defined
  clocking block.
- #(enh) - Add hyperlink support for files outside the workspace to the 
  'Build Script Launch' console. 
- #(enh) - Add hyperlink support for line numbers that directly follow the path.
  For example: /home/foobar/file.svh 27

- #(enh) - Major restructuring of the lexer and preprocessor that will, in
  some cases, boost performance and reduce memory footprint.

-- 1.7.8 Release --

- #(390) - Corrected a NPE when parsing properties. Added more debug info as well.

- #(391) Indenter issue with single line `ifdef 

-- 1.7.7 Release --
- #(380) Parser Error: cover property begin / end

- #(379) Parser Error: Hierarchy / function call in property not being parsed correctly

- #(381) Parser error: () in array range not parsed properly in properties

- #(378) Indenter error: Property if / else not correct

- #(382) Parse error: sequence ?:;

- #(383) Parser error: Property Cycle delay (##) with an expression not parsed

- #(387) Parser error: Constraint error: Unknown suffix for expression }    

- #(enh) - Modify project-import behavior when 'Project->Build Automatically" 
  is disabled. Previously, SVE would perform an initial build of the project.
  Now, the initial build is not performed. 

- #(enh) - Update preferences for Editor Auto-Index. Now, there is an 
  'Enable' preference button. When auto-index is disabled, the editor
  content is parsed only when the file is saved. This can improve the
  user experience with large files.
- #(384) - Correct a parse issue with a property clocking_event after
  a sequence_expr. 
- #(388) - Assertion name not being captured / displayed in outline view
- #(386) - Corrected a parse error involving a clocking_event property_expr
- #(375) - Add indenter support for labeled statements. A label is considered
  to not increase the indent for follow-on statements

-- 1.7.6 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with Open Declaration for included files.

- #(354) - Update New Class/Interface/Module/Package wizards to use the
  file_header/file_footer settings from the SV Template Properties page
- #(354a) - Correct an issue with multi-line template parameters on Windows. 
  The '\r' character in line-endings introduced extraneous whitespace.

- #(371) Bracket matching doesn't move cursor if off screen
         - Fixed this item
         - Also fixed lockup if your cursor was to the right of the close )
- #(enh - 105) Bracket matching - selection of text within brackets
         - Implemented... easy enough to take out if not requested
- #(enh - 79) Add shortcut-key support for collapsing/expanding folding
  regions. CTRL+NUMPAD_MINUS (default) collapses a folding region, while
  CTRL+NUMPAD_PLUS expands a folding region.
  #(374) Specify parsing +=>
         - Added support for other -=>, +=>, -*>, +*>
  #(375) Indenter not properly handling assert property directives
    This has been improved.  Still choking on a label before assert property 
    as in "ap_label: assert property (..."

-- 1.7.5 Release --

- #(369) - Indenter not properly handling `ifdef/`endif

- #(enh) - Enhance script-launcher console to identify and add insert
  hyperlinks for file paths.

- #(nobug) - Fixed issue with GotoMatchingBracket where "end" was searching forwards instead of backwards.
   - Also updated so that if your cursor is to the right of a closing brace (or end) the command will still
     work, allowing us to toggle between the two points without moving the cursor

- #(368) - Cursor position after fixing indentation / formatting of file will now be maintained on the current line

- #(103) - Correct an issue when using the Eclipse 'History' view to view an old revision of a file.
  The EGit implementation provided misleading filename information to Eclipse, which resulted in 
  the document being improperly configured.

- #(57) Content Assist Doesn't Show SystemVerilog Keyword
        - Added module, package and class.
-- 1.7.4 Release --

- #(367) - Correct an indenter bug with 'specify' blocks that caused the 
  indenter to hang
- #(enh) - Recognize 'TODO' and 'FIXME' task tags (no colon) 

- #(enh) - Propagate Debug/Run Console preferences to SVE console. This allows
  the user to control font colors, as well as limit the amount of text saved 
  the console

- #(366) - Implemented console-size limits to address heap-overflow issue

-- 1.7.3 Release --

- #(enh - 100) - Add log-parsing support for NCSim-produced messages

- #(enh - 99) - Add support for 'TODO:' and 'FIXME:' task tags in comments

- #(enh - 97) - Enhance 'New Module' wizard to explicitly support creation
  of a 'Verilog' module (ie one whose file has a .v extension)

- #(enh - 87) - Display block label in outline view

-- 1.7.2 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a bug in the SystemVerilog Template wizard. Now the 
  destination folder is properly-populated when the selection is a CDT
  project folder
- #(363) - Correct a parse bug involving a DPI import function with
  an escaped C-identifier.
- #(364) - Correct a parse bug in an assertion goto-repetition expression 

- #(361) - Correct a parse bug involving array references in a specify path

- #(362) - Correct indent behavior around specify blocks

-- 1.7.1 Release --

- #(enh) - Add support for matching-brace navigation. Positioning the cursor 
  on a bracket ( (), {}, [] ) or begin/end keyword and selecting
  CTRL+SHIFT+P moves the cursor to the matching bracket.
- #(359) - Correct a parse bug with sized, based, signed literals. 
  Example: 8'sd128

- #(360) - Correct a parse bug with specifying clocking events to the $past task

- #(enh) - Enhance the Questa log parser to support multi-line messages. 
  Multi-line messages typically result when an error occurs in a file that is
  included by another file.
- #(358) - Correct a property-parse bug involving parenthesized property expressions

-- 1.7.0 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct an integration bug that could cause the new-XXX wizards, 
  such as the New SV Class wizard to not properly populate the destination
  directory field from the current selection. This occurred when the destination
  folder was managed by the C/C++ Development Tools plug-ins.
- #(enh) - Enhance the script launcher dialog to separately accept script
  and script arguments
- #(nobug) - Correct a message-parsing issue with the Questa message parser.
  Now, messages marked as 'suppressible' are recognized
- #(enh) - Add message parsers for Verilator and GCC errors and warnings

-- 1.6.9 Release --

- #(enh) - Add a New Filelist wizard that supports creating a new argument
  file -- either completely blank or pre-populated with existing source paths

-- 1.6.8 Release --
- #(347) - Outline View: defparams not behaving correctly

- #(322) Unhandled Exception: Unhandled expr in expr_to_string: NameMappedExp
      Didn't fix this one, but hid the exception.  Outline view won't look 
      complete, but basic data is there incase it is needed
      TODO still in code, item not marked as fixed in bug tracker

- #(nobug) - Enhance debug logging for declaration-lookup failures

- #(enh) - Add NaturalDoc support for the Macro keyword. This allows macros 
  to be documented
- #(enh - 96) - Update the hover popup to show multiple pieces of information
  about the element that the mouse is over. Now, hover will show documentation 
  (if present), declaration information, and allow the user to see the 
  expansion of macros
- #(351) - Correct a parse error involving an initialization expression for 
  a multi-dimensional associative array.
- #(322) - Remove a misleading error message that occurs due to unhandled
  expression elements in expression-to-string conversion

-- 1.6.7 Release --

- #(enh - 95) - Add support for opening the declaration of an element by 
  double-clicking in the Outline view
- #(352) - Correct incorrect indentation after a randomize with {} block
- #(353) - Correct a bug when performing the Open Declaration operation on a
  module port. Location information was not being applied to module ports

- #(355) - Correct attribute-parse bug when attributes are applied to module ports 

-- 1.6.6 Release --

- #(enh - 94) - Support reordering templates and files within the template editor

- #(enh - 89) - Add support for folding block comments

- #(344) - Correct property parse bug

- #(340) - Correct property parse bug

-- 1.6.5 Release --

- #(349) - Trial bug-fix for interoperability issue with revision-control plugins

-- 1.6.4 Release --

- #(343) - Correct an issue where statements with an always_comb were being
  displayed in the outline view.
- #(345) - Correct parse bug involving path-dependent specify-block paths

- #(346) - Correct parse bug involving path-dependent specify-block paths

- #(enh - 92) - Implement linking between editor and outline view. 

-- 1.6.3 Release --

- #(337) - Update the SV Template Descriptor editor to properly work with
  read-only files and revision-control plug-ins. Now, if a file is read-only,
  the user will be prompted. 

- #(339) - Correct a constraint-block parse error.

- #(342) - Correct a parse error involving binding to an arrayed module instance

- #(338) - Correct a parse error involving array-element references in a property

-- 1.6.2 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a bug in recursive-inclusion handling

- #(nobug) - Correct a spurious exception thrown when checking an invalid
  include path
- #(336) - Correct a parse bug involving cycle delay (eg ##1)

- #(enh - 93) - Add support for auto-folding tasks and functions

-- 1.6.1 Release --

- #(nobug) Fixed always_latch default instantiation - added clk 

- #(nobug) RemoveBlockComment (Ctrl+Shift+\) no longer needs to have 
  anything selected to operate.  As long as the cursor is in a block comment
  the comment will be removed.
- #(333) - Correct a bug involving auto-comment completion and files with
  mixed line endings. 
- #(334) - Correct parse error involving transition-bin patterns

- #(335) - Update content assist to use the same information provider that
  the 'hover' in the editor uses. This supports more HTML markup (such as 
  fixed-size fonts) than does the Eclipse default.

-- 1.6.0 Release --

- #(enh 31) - Allow projects to specify template paths via the project
  properties dialog. 
- #(enh 329) - Add initial implementation of content assist for class-type
  parameters in the template-instantiation wizard.

-- 1.5.9 Release --

- #(330) - Correct naming on 'New Package' wizard. The wizard was previously
  titled 'New Interface' due to a cut/paste error
- #(nobug) - Change implementation of CTRL+/ for VHDL editor to be 
  'Toggle Comment' rather than just 'Add Comment'

- #(329) - Interim solution to this bug. Class-type template parameters 
  are now treated as string-type parameters and can be edited 
- #(331) - Correct select-next-word behavior when using this action to
  reduce the size of an existing selection


-- 1.5.8 Release --

- #(327) Indenter issue with assert statements

- #(enh) Add beginnings of basic VHDL editing support
  - Keyword, comment, and string coloring
  - Block comment/un-comment (CTRL+/ ; CTRL+\)
  - Matching-brace highlighting


-- 1.5.7 Release --

- #(325) - Correct handling of escaped identifiers

- #(321) - Corrected indentation of generate blocks
- #(326) - Comments after assign statements incorrectly indented 
- #(nobug) - Sorting out open & close brace indent on assign and other similar statements

- #(nobug) - Correct a NPE in the StyledText label provider with assign statements


-- 1.5.6 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug involving binsof expressions with
  bin indexes

- #(nobug) - Correct a bug involving relative include directives: 
  `include "../../foo.svh"

-- 1.5.5 Release --

- #(enh) - Add initial support for finding class extension references

- #(enh) - Enhance hierarchy view to show the classes that extend the 
  subject class

-- 1.5.4 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the recently-added checker for unbalanced
  pre-processor directives. This could cause expansion of a macro within an
  enabled region to cause part of the pre-processor stack to incorrectly be cleared
- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug involving hierarchical foreach loop variables

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with locating macros defined in previous files
  when live-parsing a file that was processed in MFCU mode

-- 1.5.3 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug involving a function that returns a 
  virtual interface handle
- #(316) - Correct a bug involving unbalanced pre-processor directives

- #(enh) - Add checking for unbalanced pre-processor directives. Error
  markers are now added when unbalanced directives are seen.

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug involving an assert statement with a 
  block body statement.
- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug involving a cast expression in a 
  parameter assignment

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug that prevented covergroup declaration
  in a package scope
- #(nobug) - Correct a pre-processor bug that in some cases led to 
  incorrect characters being included with a macro reference
- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug that could cause variable declarations
  of vectored user-defined types in behavioral scopes to be flagged as errors
- #(317) - Correct a parse conflict between a constraint set and a concat.

-- 1.5.2 Release --

- #(315) - Correct an issue with the task/function override-annotation
  finding code. In some cases, virtual methods from classes declared in 
  included files would be marked in the active source file.
- #(nobug) - Add compilation-argument import support for -mfcu option

- #(enh) - During compilation-argument import, add support for executing
  the commands being intercepted by the compiler wrappers. Sometimes a
  compilation failure causes the entire process to terminate early.

-- 1.5.1 Release --

- #(309) - Correct a NPE in the label provider when an unlabeled generate 
  statement is inferred from a begin block within a generate block
- #(enh) - Add defparam statements to the Outline view

- #(enh) - Add content assist support for parameters declared on the 
  containing module
- #(enh) - Align content assist support for interface instantiation with
  the support already present for module instantiation
- #(fr 86) - Enhance handling of undefined macros to reduce the number of
  follow-on parse errors.
- #(312) - Correct a bug involving missing include files due to 
  incompletely-specified include directories. Previously, editors would
  still show the include files as missing even after correcting the include
  directories. Now, the editors show correct information.
- #(314) - Allow module declarations without a terminating ';'. This appears
  to occur when the module has a protected-content body.
-- 1.5.0 Release --

- #(enh) - Change content-assist label provider to display the type name of
  built-in net proposals (eg wire[14:0])
- #(enh 80) - Add support for code completion of hierarchical references
  that use macros. For example: `TOP.sub.signal
- #(306) - Corrected a bug involving auto-indent of code templates when 
  preference settings cause spaces rather than tabs to be inserted.
- #(sr 10) - Add support for multiple content-assist contexts, which allows
  code templates to be selected based on how the content begins as well as
  the name associated with the code template. 

- #(enh 68) - Added default code templates for some commonly used structures:
   always_ff, always_latch, always_comb, if, else, do, while, for, case, casez, casex,
   function, task, initial, final, assert

-- 1.4.9 Release --

- #(298) - Correct a pre-processor bug involving comments inside a macro call

- #(300) Natural Docs update -  Correctly handle (start code) ... (end) blocks in comments 

- #(301) Leading white space at start of code section getting corrupted
- #(302) Bullets in pop-up help
- #(303) NDOC Parser - Links not showing up in summary table 
-- 1.4.8 Release --

- #(292) - Property parser bug corrected

- #(enh 81) - Add preference setting for how auto-reparse is done within the
  active editor. If set to -1, re-parse is only performed when the file is
  saved. Otherwise, the setting is a delay for how long to wait.

- #(295) - Correct a parse bug in an associated-array initialization statement 
  involving scoped identifiers. 
- #(291) - Correct an indexer crash when the argument file contains a directory
  path rather than a file path. The indexer now ignores the directory path, and
  the argument-file parser adds an error marker.
- #(293) - Correct block-comment colorizing in argument files

- #(296) - Indenter behavior with "assert" and "randomize with" inconsistent 

- #(297) - Correct a parse bug involving xor/or/and array-reduce methods

-- 1.4.7 Release --

- #(enh) - Initial support for reference indexing and searching in an index

- #(enh) - Add support for a Design Hierarchy view that shows the module
  hierarchy of each project.
- #(enh) - Clean-ups to script launcher tab

-- 1.4.6 Release --

- #(280) - Correct an issue with the order in which editors checked the type 
  of the editor input. The fix results in improved support for nested projects
  and linked resources, where the same physical resource may be linked into
  multiple projects.
- #(enh - 70) - Add initial support for launching build scripts from SVEditor.
  Error messages (currently, just Questa compilation messages) are recognized
  and problem markers added.   

- #(288) - Correct an issue with Next/Previous word selection when folding
  is enabled. 

-- 1.4.5 Release --

- #(enh) - Cause assign statements to show the relevant LHS and RHS expressions
  in the Outline view
- #(enh) - Change content-assist proposal for name-mapped module-instance 
  parameters. Now, a module-port proposal includes the parens and prompts the
  user to specify the connected net.
- #(enh) - Add SVEDITOR as a built-in pre-processor directive. This can be
  used to disable processing of code that the SVEditor parser does not 
  currently support.
- #(nobug) - Corrected a bug where, in some cases, the types declared local
  to the file being edited were not being searched during content-assist operations
- #(enh) - Add content-assist support for task/function name-mapped parameters

- #(enh) - Add content-assist support for name-mapped module, interface, and
  class parameters.

- #(285) - Correct a bug in the clocking block parser involving assertion 
  items (eg property) declared within the clocking block.

- #(284) - Ensure that 'pre-formatted' portions of NaturalDocs comments are
  presented in fixed-width font in the doc hover
- #(286) - Correct a pre-processor issue with macros inside a string parameter
  to a macro. For example:
  `ovm_info("id", $psprintf("Not a macro: `ovm_do"), OVM_MEDIUM);

  The pre-processor should not expand `ovm_do, and now it does not.

- #(287) - Add support for case inside statement, which allows value ranges
  for case items.
-- 1.4.4 Release --

- #(283) - Correct a case where a folded-by-default folding region was auto-folded
  after pasting content into the region. 

- #(nobug) - Ensure folding is only applied when the file is initially opened

- #(78 - enh) - Add preference page to control folding

- #(enh) - Add support for override annotations. Override annotations are displayed
  next to tasks and functions that override a method from a super class. Hovering 
  over the annotation displays information about the base method. Clicking on the
  annotation navigates to the super method.

-- 1.4.3 Release --

- #(282) - Remove the use of a Java 7 API (Character.isAlphabetic)

-- 1.4.2 Release --

- #(nobug) - Corrected some instability in folding regions that could
  cause folded regions to change their expanded state after modification
  by the user.

- #(enh) - Make 'unprocessed' regions (eg `ifdef UNDEFINED) collapsed
  by default.

-- 1.4.1 Release --

- #(nobug) - Corrected a Windows-specific issue with the Project variable 
  provider used by the argument-file parser. With older (3.X) versions of
  Eclipse, sometimes project variable paths were returned as /X:/... 
  Now, these paths are properly transforms to X:/...
- #(281) - Change parser to accept data types as task/function arguments

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with linked resources that caused SVEditor
  to not correlate files in a linked resource with their containing project.

- #(enh) - Add an 'Executable' checkbox to the 'file' portion of the
  template-descriptor editor to allow template files to be marked as 'executable'
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with adding new parameters using the template
  descriptor editor.

- #(nobug) - Enable the template engine to correctly construct multiple
  levels of directory hierarchy
- #(nobug) - Ensure template processor expands recursive variable references.

-- 1.4.0 Release --

- #(enh) - Switch over to the 'new' indexer. The new indexer offers improved
  performance and support for MFCU (multi-file compilation unit) indexing mode.

- #(nobug) - Correct a pre-processor bug with the 'new' indexer that allowed
  `__FILE and `__LINE macros to be expanded within a text region otherwise
  disabled by `ifdef/`ifndef. This bug is typically observed as a parse-error
  marker within a disabled region.
- #(nobug) - Ensure that include-file content assist works for files not
  associated with an index.

- #(nobug) - Convert a couple of pre-processor error messages to markers.

- #(nobug) - Correct a content assist error related to a null-pointer 
  exception on UVM macro vs enumerator.

- #(279) - Fix indenting when a vector is placed in a case statement 
     case (some_sig[3:2]) <- this was causing indenter to get confused
-- 1.3.9 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a bug in the argument-file document partitioner that
  caused incorrect completions to be returned in some cases when no
  leaf element was supplied. For example: ${workspace_loc}/
- #(enh) - Add argument-file content assist support for projects in the
  workspace. Now, requesting content assist for ${workspace_loc}/ returns
  a list of projects in the workspace.
- #(enh 74) - Remove `ifndef guards from standard and methodlogy templates

- #(nobug) - Re-enable Open Declaration and content assist for macros
  in the 'new' indexer
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with include-file caching in the 'new' index,
  where include files with a common leaf element would match. For example,
  my_cls.svh would be used when the actual include was cls.svh. 
- #(nobug) - Allow generate statements to include task calls. Task calls 
  are used in some cases to force errors in case of faulty elaboration
- #(nobug) - Add back support for -y (libdir) and -l (libfile) to the
  'new' index in both SFCU and MFCU mode
- #(278) - Correct an issue with auto-indent around if/else blocks without
- #(276) - Clean up some debug messages displayed on the console

-- 1.3.8 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the 'new' index and incremental parsing.
  In some cases, macros from cached include files were not found. 
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue that could cause compilation-argument import
  to fail on Unix due to wrapper scripts having Windows-style line endings.
  Now, line endings are correctly converted.

-- 1.3.7 Release --

- #(274) - Correct an issue with brace matching in the presence of escaped
  double quotes within strings (eg "this is a \" string")
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the content assist provider that caused
  non-class proposals to be given for class 'extends'

- #(enh) - Add initial macro-caching scheme to the 'new' indexer to prevent
  include files from being repeatedly processed. In the new scheme,
  after initial processing of an include file, subsequent inclusions of 
  that file simply bring in the macros previously defined.
- #(nobug) - Correct a line-number issue with the 'new' index. `ifdef/`ifndef
  directives caused the line number to incorrectly be incremented  
- #(275) - Add support for the '-sv' and '-sverilog' switches to force all 
  files in the argument-file tree to be processed as SystemVerilog files.

-- 1.3.6 Release --

- #(272) - Update bracket-matching behavior to match JDT's behavior. 

- #(nobug) - Corrected an issue with the code that annotates spell-check
  markers that could cause other annotations to be removed
- #(72:enh) - Added support for shading code regions disabled by a 
  preprocessor ifdef/ifndef directive. The new support is enabled
  for the 'new' indexer and for files not part of an index
- #(71:enh) - Add initial support for code folding. Classes, modules,
  interfaces, packages, tasks, and functions, and constraint blocks
  can be folded.

-- 1.3.5 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a class-cast exception from the argument file 
  outline view

-- 1.3.4 Release --

- #(268) - Correct a thread-access issue involving the editor and Eclipse's
  isPartVisible() method. 
- #(ehh) - Enhance the argument-file outline view with double-click navigation
  to file paths specified in the argument file.
- #(nobug) - Correct a new-indexer bug involving over-aggressive caching of
  non-root objects.
- #(269) - Correct an specification error in the definition of the annotation
  marker that caused the Annotations preference page to not display. Turns 
  out that the 'label' property really is required (despite not being labeled as such)

- #(nobug) - Correct a bug with the 'new' argument file parser that could lead
  to include directories incorrectly being marked as 'missing'
- #(nobug) - Correct a bug in the 'new' indexer that caused some cached items
  to not be resolved back to their actual items. This could result in NPEs
  when performing content-assist or open declaration operations
- #(enh) - Add index-performance debug output for the 'new' index. This
  output is displayed at 'Minimum' debug level after a full rebuild and
  gives some statistics on how many source files and lines were processed,
  and how long each operation phase took.
- #(enh) - More changes to better-integrate with the Eclipse builder 
  to filter out redundant build requests and wait until post-import
  refresh is complete before kicking off index builds.
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the 'new' indexer that caused some items
  declared by `included files to be shown in the Outline view of the 
  active file. Items declared in `included files are now filtered out of the
  outline view.
- #(271) - Correct a longstanding bug in the bracket-matching code related
  to bracket characters in comments. The bracket-matching code now uses
  the same comment-region-aware scanner used by the content-assist utilities

-- 1.3.3 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a windows-specific hang that could occur during file
  pre-processing when Java throws an exception rather than returning a
  'no data available' return code from the read() method

-- 1.3.2 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a bug in the build procedure that could cause the
  template-engine plugins to be deployed without any .class files. 

-- 1.3.1 Release --

- #(267) - Add logic to the spelling reconciler to check for null handles
  returned from the annotation model, and deal gracefully with that.
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the 'new' index where content from a
  macro expansion had no file ID
- #(enh) - Add 'Include Hierarchy' element to the outline view of the argument file
  editor. As with the 'Include Hierarchy' element in the SV editor outline view,
  this shows the include path back to the root argument file. 
  Note: this is only enabled for the 'new' argument-file index
- #(nobug) - New index: ensure .svproject file is re-read after project import
  if project data was incorrectly creasted prior to existence of .svproject file.

-- 1.3.0 Release --

- #(266) - Correct parse error with |-> property expression

-- 1.2.9 Release --

- #(nobug) - Enable non-ANSI portlist declarations to end with ','. For example:
  module (a, b,);
- #(enh) - Add .flist as a recognized extension for an argument file

- #(enh) - Enable argument-file editor to open verilog source-library files.
  For example: -v 

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the new indexer and verilog source-library files

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with a SV keyword (context) being incorrectly
  recognized as a variable modifier when used in a Verilog context.
- #(enh) - Update the editor to react to rebuilds of its index by re-parsing. This
  ensures that markers are updated, etc
- #(enh) - Add 'Include Hierarchy' element to outline view (.testing release ONLY).
  This allows the user to trace how the active file is included in compilation
- #(enh) - More reliable support for detecting project import/open and 
  kicking off an index operation for the newly-available project
- #(nobug) - Correct a constraint-parse error involving an implication
  constraint: (expr) -> foreach
- #(265) - Correct a bug with word highlighting of words containing regular-expression 
  special characters due to a change in behavior with new Eclipse versions.

-- 1.2.8 Release --

- #(260) - Correct an issue that caused certain operators to not be correctly
  colored in the editor. Due to history, operator lists were stored in different
  places in the code. Now, all operators are listed in the SVOperators class.
- #(nobug) - Correct an off-by-one line numbering issue with the Argument File
  editor. This issue caused errors to be annotated one line off from where
  they should have been positioned.
- #(enh) - Enhance argument-file editor to react to resource-variable changes.

- #(nobug) - Correct a build issue with 1.2.7 that caused the 
  template-instantiation wizard to not load.
- #(enh) - Enhance support for editing files that are not part of an index,
  but are inside a project where indexed files are configured. This often 
  happens, for example, when a new file is added to a project. With the
  enhancements, macro definitions are pulled from the project's index.
- #(264) - Correct a bug involving selected-word highlighting for words
  containing regular-expression characters

- #(261) - Correct a bug involving first_match in an assertion

- #(262) - Correct a bug involving 'within' used within an assertion

-- 1.2.7 Release --

- #(127) - Correct a parse bug involving a package-qualified 
  parameterized-class type reference (uvm_pkg::uvm_resource_db #(type)::set)
- #(259) - Spurious parser error with inout in clocking block

- #(nobug) - Correct issues with specifying argument files relative to
-- 1.2.6 Release --

- #(nobug) - A few required patch-ups due to the plug-in reorganization. 
  The SVT editor now properly displays its icon, and PNG images are 
  now properly exported to the help area.

- #(enh) - Template parameter references (ie ${my_parameter}) in SV 
  files are now colorized.

-- 1.2.5 Release --

- #(enh) - Update SV editor to display a decorated icon for files that are
  part of an index. 

- #(253) - Change index to detect the language variant used in a file based 
  on its extension. .v, .vl, and .vlog are considered to be Verilog 2005 files,
  while the remainder are considered to be SystemVerilog files.
- #(enh) - Add support for running JavaScript extension scripts from 
  within SVE. There is now a launch configuration where a script and
  arguments can be specified.  
- #(nobug) - Change 'shadow' index such that errors are not propagated
  to the filesystem. Previously, propagating markers made it appear
  that SVEditor was managing a file, while in reality it wasn't
- #(258) - Added an exception to allow parens around a dist statement.
  This isn't LRM-compliant, but some simulators appear to support it.

-- 1.2.4 Release --

- #(254) - Correct issue with spell-checker when SVEditor is installed in an
  Eclipse installation without a built-in spellcheck engine. Added a specific
  spellcheck engine for SVEditor.

-- 1.2.3 Release --

- #(64) Indenter import `include / import statements not lined up

- #(nobug) - Changes the 'Add Project Path' option to specify a 
  project-relative path (${project_loc}) rather than a workspace-relative path
- #(enh) - Adds in-editor hyperlink mechanism similar to that in JDT. Only enabled for 
  classes. Ctrl+MouseOver a class name, and it becomes hyperlinked with an option to 
  open the declaration or hierarchy. Can be enabled/disabled in the general text 
  editor properties under hyperlinking.
- #(65) - Add spell checking for comments in SV files

- #(enh) - Update template wizard to support NaturalDoc formatting for
  template-element descriptions
- #(251) - Corrected a parse bug involving using 'super' or 'this' 
  as the root element in a delay expression  

- #(252) - Correct a parse bug involving lists of continuous assigns

- #(nobug) Indenter update.  Modified multi-line statements indent, so that lines  
  after first line are indented.
- #(nobug) Indenter update.  Modified multi-line statements indent, so that lines  
  after first line are indented.
- #(nobug) Indenter update.  Make multi-line if statements indent more like 
  java (which also has problems).  Still a bit of an issue to sort out here, 
  typing doesn't behave the same as when you have the indenter re-format your 
  code.  Need to figure that out.

-- 1.2.2 Release --

- #(nobug) - Updates to indenter for covegroups / points with lots of {}

- #(enh) - Add new filters for the Import Compilation Arguments wizard:
  - Filter duplicate options/paths
  - Organize options before paths

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse error involving multi-step transition bins. 
  For example: (0,1,2 => 1,2,3 => 2,3,4)
- #(enh) - Update Compilation Argument Import wizard to enable 
  automatic addition of the new argument file to the containing 
  project's settings

-- 1.2.1 Release --

- #(nobug) - Ensure new compilation-wrapper scripts are included in the release

-- 1.2.0 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct parse error with named-mapped parameters to
  class type in function call. Eg: foo = my_class #(.A(5), .B(int))::type_id::create();
- #(nobug) - Correct issue with the argument-file parser that caused unrecognized
  plusargs (eg +my_plusarg) to be treated as a single-argument option. This
  caused the argument following the plusarg to be ignored

- #(nobug) - Enhance argument-file parser to support multi-path incdir directives. 
  For example: +incdir+../mydir1+../mydir2+../mydir3
- #(enh) - Add wizard and scripts to create an argument file by running 
  compilation and capturing the arguments passed to standard compilers
  (vlog, ncvlog, vcs, iverilog)

-- 1.1.9 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct an argument-file content assist issue involving +plusarg=<>. 

- #(enh) - Update NaturalDocs to recognize Constraint, Covergroup, and 
  Coverpoint keywords  
- #(enh) - Add NaturalDocs info (if available) to the side of content-assist proposals

- #(nobug) - Correct issue with navigation/doc hover on type expressions of the form:
  The root type is now properly resolved
- #(56) - Correct an issue with auto-indent and files with Windows-style line endings  

- #(nobug) Added operators: "--", "++", "~&", "~|"

- #(nobug) Updated SVCodeScanner to recognize that "?" is also a valid operator character

- #(nobug) Covergroup  with function sample was creating errors, and 
  cratering the file in progress.  Modification done to run to end of line, 
  and treat as a normal, simple covergroup.
- #(165)   Outline view does not jump when selecting primitives

- #(170)   Outline view does not jump when selecting properties

- #(nobug) Fixed auto-indenter surrounding @(...); inside an initial block

- #(nobug) Fixed auto-indenter casez and casex not handled
- #(247) - Support this case (if (a inside b)) as a non-LRM-compliant case. Added an extensible
  preference scheme to allow the user to selectively enable non-LRM cases.

-- 1.1.8 Release --

- #(58) Colorizer: Add different colors for braces 

- #(51) Colorizer: Add colorization of numbers

- #(nobug) Colorizer: Add colorization of operators

- #(246) - Resolve a deadlock involving cache invalidate during index rebuild

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with behavioral @(*) statements

- #(nobug) - Enhance type search during content assist and navigation to
  include the scope in which the target variable/field is declared

-- 1.1.7 Release --

- #(199) - Correct unusual unindenting behaviour when spaces-for-tabs enabled

- #(nobug) - Made some improvements to the "Refresh Index" status bar... now does more than
             2 or 3 steps.  Still some work to do but better than it was.

-- 1.1.6 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a thread deadlock related to indexing and other threads

-- 1.1.5 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a recently-introduced bug that prevented the project 
  path settings from being taken back to their defaults (ie remove all file paths)
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue that caused files that were not handled by an 
  index but were opened by an editor to be shown as 'indexed' in the project
  explorer. These files are now shown as 'not indexed' (ie no blue dot)
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue preventing argument files not associated with
  project settings from providing project-variable content-assist proposals

- #(nobug) - Correct a bug with assignment content assist. Now, content assist
  works with part-select of LHS: my_var[3:0] = 

- #(229) - Detect project close and remove associated indexes.

- #(enh) - Add support for the argument file -F switch. This switch includes
  an argument file, just as the -f switch does. However, file paths within 
  the included argument file are resolved relative to the directory containing
  the included argument file.

-- 1.1.4 Release --

- #(240) Block Comment Behavior results in nested block comments

- #(nobug) - Boost performance of macro processing when many macros are
- #(enh) - Add the following file extensions to the recognized set:
  .vh, .vp, .vs, .svp, .svi, .v95, .v95p  
- #(241) - Resolve 'Resource Closed' exceptions from the decorators that
  add indexed and error annotations to files in the project explorer.

-- 1.1.3 Release --

- #(nobug) - Filter content-assist proposals for super- tasks/functions 
  from content proposals

- #(enh) - Content assist: add containing-class information for variable
  proposals when available and appropriate.
- #(enh) - Add code structure-aware content assist proposal ordering. 
  This causes proposals from the current class, for example, to be
  presented ahead of other matches from a super class.

-- 1.1.2 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct issue with Open Declaration in an argument file
  when the path extends to the end of the file.
- #(nobug) - Correct a content-assist bug involving content post-!=

- #(nobug) - Update quick-view shortcuts to be function in all
  content regions -- code, comment, etc

-- 1.1.1 Release --

- #(nobug) - Overly-aggressive ignore pattern in .gitignore prevented an
  icon from being committed. Add missing icon and correct .gitignore
- #(nobug) - Correct ArgFile content-assist issue when cursor is 
  placed at the very end of the file.

-- 1.1.0 Release --

- #(enh) Add outline view for the ArgFile editor

- #(enh) Add content assist for the ArgFile editor
  - Content assist is provided for path references (both directory and file)
  - Content assist is provided for variable references

-- 1.0.9 Release --

- #(enh) - Major update to support for argument files. Argument files are
  now treated as first-class members of the index subsystem, enabling
  tracking of errors from argument files. The argument-file editor 
  now parses the argument file to show missing-file paths on-the-fly. 
  The editor also supports navigation to referenced file paths.

- #(enh) - Argument-File Index now adds errors for missing root argument files
  to the project on which they are specified.
- #(enh) - Initial work on argument-file parse and error propagation

- #(enh) - Add Open Declaration support to the Arg-File editor.

-- 1.0.8 Release --

- #(nobug) - Add support for assertion unary 'not'

- #(3597783) - Correct issues with UVM Agent template

- #(enh) - Update indexed-files decorator to decorate folders containing
  indexed files as well. This should make it easier to understand
  which files are being indexed.
- #(nobug) - Remove a stack-trace print that occurred when an expression
  traversal failed. Convert to a debug message.  
- #(3148929) - .svproject files are now only created when the content
  is different than the default content.

-- 1.0.7 Release --

- #(enh) - Enable template files to be described as 'executable'

- #(nobug) - Correct another template variable-expansion corner case involving
  nested bracketed variables: ${${MY_TEMPLATE_VAR}}
- #(nobug) - Correct a null-pointer-exception that occasionally occurred 
  when the editor was first opened.   

- #(nobug) - Resolve ambiguity between 'unique' used as a keyword, and 
  'unique' used as a built-in function
- #(nobug) - Add support for unique0 keyword

-- 1.0.6 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse error involving sized enum-variable types. 
  For example: my_enum_type [3:2] enum_var;
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the template processor that prevented
  substitution of variables in some cases where the value will be used 
  as a variable. For example, in a PERL script:

- #(3482275) - Implement highlighting of matching words in the document. 
  The implementation is pretty basic, and simply highlights all matching
  words to the selected word regardless of the context of the matching

-- 1.0.5 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a keyword conflict on the 'unique' keyword. It should be 
  treated as a keyword in a constraint context, but as an identifier elsewhere.
- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug involving empty case items

- #(3591399) - Parser error - Null-Pointer-Exception involving generate-if statements

- #(nobug) - Enable enums and unions to be declared in behavioral blocks (eg tasks)

- #(nobug) - Correct a parse error with referencing a const field in a 
  parameterized class. For example: a = pkg::cls#(mytype)::const_value;
- #(nobug) - Correct pre-processor issue involving macro references with
  the opening paren of the argument list being placed on a new line. For example:
      ARG1, ARG2,

- #(nobug) - Add support for anonymous-type forward declarations. For example:
  typedef my_fwd_decl;
-- 1.0.4 Release --

- #(3566347) - Tab behavior when pasting code, which is auto-indented

- #(3587919) - Correct issue with pre-processor interpreting parens in quoted strings

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with naming of the plugin lib index, which prevents
  multiple instances from accumulating
- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug with event activation with a repeat (->> repeat(10)...)

- #(nobug) - Correct a pre-processor issue that caused problems with a 
  concatenation expression

- #(nobug) Capture names of for loops in generate blocks if given

- #(3588993) - Correct bug involving outline view incorrectly setting the 
  selection in the editor after an editor change.
- #(3588757) - Update lexer to support multiple contexts. This is the first
  step toward supporting multiple language variants.
- #(nobug) - Enhance auto-indenter to support generate blocks

-- 1.0.3 Release --

- #(3552370) - Parse error when using a named-parameter reference within an assert statement

- #(3554653) - Correct bug preventing global/package variable declarations from appearing in 
  content-assist results
- #(3573724) - Correct 'Content Assist Shows Blank Item' issue. ModuleInst items were
  being added to the proposal list in addition to ModuleInstItem items.
- #(3582495) - Correct bug in the pre-processor's handling of recursively-included files

- #(nobug) Outline View Updates:
      - Added icon for assertions in outline view - currently using Property icon, which is what
           we use for the filter in the Outline view
      - Updated names of generate, generate for and generate_if blocks to outline view

- #(3566347) Tab behavior when pasting code, which is auto-indented
   Generally cleaned up some of the auto-indenter behavior

-- 1.0.3 Release --
- #(nobug) - Outline view button fixup, the default states of buttons weren't being
  correctly on some buttons

- #(nobug) - Captured names of generate statements if they are there.  This will make 
  generate statements in the outline view more useful.

-- 1.0.2 Release --

- #(nobug) - Improve performance of pre-processor when files contain many
  references to undefined macros.
- #(3554076) - Correct parsing of specify-if statements

-- 1.0.1 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a couple of places where paths were not being correctly
  normalized (back-slashes converted to forward slashes). This resulted in 
  some problems on the Windows platform.
- #(3579865) - Corrected a parse bug involving clocking blocks

-- 1.0.0 Release --
- #(enh) - Add Open Type dialog to assist in quickly and easily navigating 
  to an arbitrary type
- #(enh) - Change Objects Quick View to use Hover colors. This makes things
  look better on Ubuntu 12.04

- #(3554883) - Correct bug with Doc Hover not finding doc comment for 
  a parameterized class.

- #(enh) - Add decorators to files in the Project Explorer that reflect whether
  a file is managed by the index in the containing project. This can be 
  helpful in troubleshooting index configuration.
- #(3566435) - Change log-output scheme to, by default, output only to the
  logfile. Also change output to the console to only be from a single thread
- #(3566723) - Convert Doc Hover error to a debug message

- #(3566760) - Change SVEditor console to not auto-raise on output.

- #(3566727) - Correct Literal decimal 'X' not supported

- #(3566417) - Correct a bug with macro default parameters

- #(enh) Added additional filters to outline view
         - CoverPoint/Group/Cross/Bins
         - Assertion/Property/Seuqnces
         - Constraints
         - Enum/Typedef

- #(3566419) - Correct stack overflow with recursive macro references

- #(3566786) - Correct issue where index does not react to a change in the 
  global definition set
- #(nobug) - Correct a bug in the Source Collection dialog that prevented 
  users from changing the default file extensions
- #(nobug) - Correct issues with content assist for types and enumerators 
  in the package and class scopes
- #(nobug) - Correct a bug that prevented class parameters from being
  presented as content-assist proposals  

- #(enh) - Add missing system tasks: $time, $realtime, $urandom, $urandom_range

- #(3571086) - Limit maximum errors per file. Currently, error limit is 
  hard-coded to 100
- Update SVEditor Project Properties to place Library Path and Source Collection
  methods of specifying index paths on a new Deprecated tab. These methods of
  specifying index paths will gradually be removed. New development will focus
  on the Argument File method of index specification.
-- 0.9.9 Release --

- #(nobug) - Enhance doc-comment finder to recurse through pre-processor file
  scopes (eg `ifdef scope) to locate doc comments.

- #(enh) - New Class wizard and Override Method wizard now add NaturalDoc

- #(nobug) - Fix a bug in the expression scanner (used for open declaration,
  doc hover, etc) involving expressions next to operators such as parens:
  "(get_name(), " for example. Now the identifiers are correctly located
  even when the cursor is at the beginning of the name.

- #(3561911) - Correct Doc Hover removes links. Links in NaturalDocs comments
  are now replaced with plaintext.
- #(3561910) - Correct issue where doc-comment parser was being too aggressive
  in removing what appeared to be vertical lines.

- #(enh) - Add new-file wizards for module, interface, and package.

- #(3561934) - Add support for Doc Comment 'Interface' and 'Module' topics

- #(3562206) - Disable excessive debug output from comment parser
-- 0.9.8 Release --

- #(nobug) - Improve doc-comment stripping to support multi-line comments

- #(nobug) - Update SVEditor to correctly provide the 'live' pre-processor
  view for the doc-comment hover
- #(nobug) - Fixes to lookup functionality underlying content assist to 
  correctly search up past single-statement behavioral scopes, such as
  if and while.
- #(nobug) - Correct content-assist problem inside do/while blocks. Since
  a content-assist scenario typically results in a temporary syntax error,
  the do/while block was not being added to the AST.
- #(nobug) - Correct sorting regression in the Override Methods dialog. 
  Now, classes are properly sorted by inheritance order.

- #(nobug) - Correct issues with Module Hierarchy view. Now module 
  hierarchy is properly displayed and elements of module instances are
  displayed correctly.
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the class-browse functionality of
  the New Class wizard. A class-cast exception was thrown due to changes
  in the SVEditor database.
- #(enh) - Add double-click handler for New Class wizard. This reduces 
  the number of mouse clicks required to create a new class.

- #(nobug) - Support array-type parameters for task/function override.

- #(nobug) - Update content assist to filter out task/function proposals
  from super classes.

-- 0.9.7 Release --

- #(3558622) - Correct const-cast and integer-cast parse errors

- #(3558008) - Correct bug involving conflict between workspace/filesystem paths.

- #(nobug) - Explicitly set hover foreground/background to avoid Ubuntu
  12.04 ugliness (black background / white foreground)

-- 0.9.6 Release --

- #(enh) - Enhance content assist to only show static/non-static fields based
  on preceeding expression (ie .<> only shows non-static fields)
- #(enh) - Enhance class-extension content assist to only return class proposals

- #(3545640) - Add support for macros with default-value parameters

- #(nobug) - Correct name-matching issue with content assist for ports in the
  current module/interface
- #(3553812) - Add basic support for content assist of parameterized types

- #(enh) - Generated documentation now opened within Eclipse

- #(enh) - Support for definition lists in the documentation comments

- #(enh) - Documentation comments now displayed when hovering a reference
  to the element

- #(3554595) - Correct a bug in the editor-specific index iterator that, 
  in some cases, prevented content assist and open declaration from working
  on declarations within the file.

- #(enh) - Move clear portion of index rebuild into the main portion
  of the rebuild thread

- #(enh) - Make index-cache clearing an asynchronous operation

- #(enh) - Add a preference to switch between using the browser widget
  for hover information and using the default hover widget. For some reason,
  there appear to be problems with the browser widget on Ubuntu 12.04

- #(nobug) - Correct code generator for method override to correctly generate
  vectored parameters

- #(enh) - Add support for content assist through class-local typedefs. 

- #(3558081) - Correct an issue with space between ` and a macro name (eg ` MY_MACRO).

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with incomplete macro reference on its own line (eg ` ).

-- 0.9.5 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct a bug in the package cache that caused only declarations
  from first-level include files from being processed
- #(nobug) - Correct a string out-of-bounds when parsing a file with incomplete 
  `include directives
- #(nobug) - Correct a parse bug when attempting to parse a partial 
  pre-processor declaration (eg `)
- #(nobug) - Correct a NPE from the label provider when displaying a function 
  with no type
- #(enh) - Implement content-assist for interface fields referenced via a virtual interface field. 

- #(enh) - Add basic timeout support for content assist. 

- #(enh) - Add content assist for fields of interface-type module items

- #(enh) - Add content assist for modports of interface-type items

- #(enh) - Add double-click support to the path browsers for project-paths setup

- #(enh) - Add content assist for ports of interface-type items

- #(enh) - Add content assist for hierarchical module paths

- #(3547768) - Normalize paths to avoid cross-platform issues

- #(enh) - Add content assist for modport-type module ports

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with requesting content-assist at the very
  end of a file. For me, this often resulted in receiving incorrect 
  content suggestions for super classes

-- 0.9.4 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the package cache not restoring
  the filename after a restart.
- #(enh) - 

- #(enh) - A package can now be displayed in the Class Diagram view. All classes
  declared within the package are shown, along with relationships between the 
- #(enh) - Adds ability to create new class diagram by right clicking on class in existing diagram.

- #(enh) - Adds enhancements to class selection in diagram. It should now be clear to the user what 
  is selected, and the selection can be cleared by clicking the background.
- #(3536166) - Trim leading/trailing spaces from template file paths 

- #(3536752) - Correct non-blocking event-trigger operator (--> to ->>)

- #(3536783) - Correct parse bug involving an 'if' in a property statement

- #(enh) - Parser structure changes and enhancements to the cache subsystem boost the
  overall parse performance by 4-5x on sizeable parsing jobs

-- 0.9.3 Release --

Note: This release requires the Eclipse Zest feature. Users of the
 SVE 1.0 application will need to manually add the update site before installing 0.9.3.
 SVE 1.1 will contain the Zest feature by default.

- #(nobug) - Correct NPE when opening an object from the Objects view.

- #(enh) - Outline quick view, activated by CTRL+o in the editor. Provides
  a quick way to navigate within the current file

- #(nobug) - Fix a bug with enumerator content assist from enum types 
  declared within the current file scope

- #(ehh) - UML Diagram view added. The view is opened by selected a class
  and selecting 'Open Class Diagram' from the context menu, or CTRL+SHIFT+D.

- #(enh) - Implement findPackageDecl API that provides a complete view 
  of a package and the contents, included contents contributed by included files  
-- 0.9.2 Release --

- #(3531462) - Correct parse error involving parameterized-type static call
  with no parameter-values specified
- #(nobug) - Change handling of shadow index, so not stored in registry.

- #(nobug) - Change handling of index config to identify requests for an index
  from the registry that match base location, project, and type but differ in
  the configuration. These indexes are now disposed and a new index created.
- #(enh) - Add support for showing the files managed by an index in the 
  project explorer view. This should be helpful when debugging index issues
- #(3532307) - Add sorter to the Template Category pane in the New Template
- #(3532303) - Update the template engine to support output files with 
  directory hierarchy (eg filename="subdir/${name}_file.svh")
- #(3452774) - Add content-assist support for enumerators

- #(enh) - 'Objects' view added. This contains a list of modules, interfaces,
  and packages declared within the active projects in the workspace
 - #(enh) - 'Objects' quick view, activated by CTRL+SHIFT+o in the editor. 
   provides a quick way to navigate to other type declarations

-- 0.9.1 Release --

- #(enh) - Add preference page for specifying global template parameters. These
  can be used to customize the ${file_header} and ${file_footer} template parameters
- #(enh) - Add ${user} and ${date} built-in template parameters
- #(enh) - Add ${file_footer} entries to UVM template files

- #(enh) - Add a trivially-simple editor for argument files (.f files). At the 
  moment, the only real utility this editor provides is causing .f files to 
  open within Eclipse and not in an external editor (at least on Linux)
- #(nobug) - Ignore #ifdef/#ifndef/#else/#endif directives in argument files
  (patch from contributor)
-- 0.9.0 Release --
- #(nobug) - Add support for bind hierarchical target paths (patch from contributor)

- #(nobug) - Add support for -file  within an argument file, in addition to
  -f  (patch from contributor)

- #(3530165) - Correct bug with inside constraint and binary expression

- #(nobug) - Correct parse bug related to negated binsof statement (patch from contributor)

- #(nobug) - Correct a critical bug with keyboard-driven selection, where the selected
  text was not picked up by Copy (eg CTRL+C)
- #(3530324) - Correct a bug in initializing Template Parameter fields, that could cause
  the template-descriptor editor to write parameter elements without 'type' attributes.
- #(3530270) - Prevent argument-file parser from processing files with C/C++ extensions
  (patch from contributor)
- #(enh) - Add preference transfer settings to allow users to preserve their settings
  across workspaces. This did require changing preference IDs to add categories

-- 0.8.9 Release --

- #(3526657) - Treat "_" as part of a word, not delimiter, during keyboard-driven selection

- #(nobug) - Updates to project-paths settings trigger update of the Project Paths
  entry in the Project Explorer

- #(3529251) - Correct a bug in parsing bind of a hierarchical path

- #(nobug) - Correct a lurking issue regarding reparenting of newly-parsed
  active-file content. Now, we leave the parent pointer intact for children.
- #(3528722) - Correct a bug in parsing "throughout" expressions

- #(nobug) - Soft constraint support added (patch from contributor)

- #(enh) - Add a message to the editor Status Line indicating which index
  manages the active file. Hopefully this will help in troubleshooting
  indexer behavior
- #(nobug) - Change behavior of the Shadow Index, the index that is
  created to manage a file that is otherwise not managed by an index. 
  Previously, this index collected all SV files in the target directory
  and indexed them. Now, this index only manages the target file. This should
  result in less ambiguity as to which files are actually managed by an
  explicit index.

-- 0.8.8 Release --

- #(3526097) - Correct parse error with new ; statement

- #(enh) - Enhance template infrastructure with support for user-defined
  template parameters. Currently, integer-, identifier-, and class-type 
  parameters are supported.
- #(enh) - Add a form-based editor for the XML-formatted template descriptor file

- #(nobug) - Correct parse error with multi-dimension vectors (eg wire [3:0][3:0])

- #(3527774) - The parser does not handle a #delay statement that uses an array

-- 0.8.7 Release --

- #(nobug) - Correct content-assist issue with comparison operators. For example:
  if (a >= <>
- #(3035042) - Correct an issue where sometimes the Override Tasks/Functions
  dialog opens with no content shown.
- #(nobug) - Correct an issue with the Override Tasks/Functions dialog that
  caused the classes to not always be listed in class-hierarchy order
- #(enh)   - Add initial support for externally-defined SV templates.

- #(enh)   - Add Preferences page to configure template paths

- #(3521770) - User option to disable automatic rebuild of SV Index
    - When Auto-Rebuild is disabled, index rebuild only takes place:
        - On startup if the index is invalid
        - When the user requests a rebuild
-- 0.8.6 Release --

- #(nobug) - Ensure content assist for macros is provided without name-mapped
 parameters. SV only supports positional parameters for macros.
- #(3500603) - Expanded outline-view paths are now saved and restored when
  the file contents change
- #(3261116) - Outline view now identifies cases where an update is due to
  the file changing, and does not re-set the editor selection.
- #(nobug)   - Debug is now controlled in four levels: off, minimum, medium, and maximum

- #(nobug)   - Update auto-indent to indent `include directives inside current scope (eg package)

- #(enh)     - Add basic template capability for several UVM features:
                 - UVM Agent
                 - UVM Environment
                 - UVM Test
                 - UVM Sequence

-- 0.8.5 Release --

- #(3513767) - Correct incorrect outdent for fork/join block

- #(3509102) - Correct update-site name as reported in the update manager

- #(3482303) - Add initial support for configurations. Configurations now parse correctly, 
  are displayed in the outline, and are handled by the indenter

-- 0.8.4 Release --

- #(3509696) - add sorting button in outline view

- #(nobug) Add new dialogs to select 'Project Paths' in the SVEditor 
  project properties pages
- #(3479754) Correct a parse error with type parameters

- #(3479836) Correct a parse error with initialized associative arrays

-- 0.8.3 Release --

- #(nobug) Increase performance of the persistence mechanism used by the indexer
  by around 10x.
- #(nobug) Filter 'NullStmt' items from the outline view

-- 0.8.2 Release --

- #(3483902) - Parameters declared in tasks not recognized

- #(nobug) - Correct problem with argument-file parser that could result
  in a 'hang'

-- 0.8.1 Release --

- #(3482259) - Vectored Delayed Wire type not parsed

- #(nobug)   - Added toggle for `defines in outline view

- #(3486909) - Correct inconsistencies in indenting and indent shifting 
  when spaces are to be inserted instead of tabs
-- 0.8.0 Release --
- (#2256648) New feature: configurable outline 
	- User can now selectively turn on / off:
	  - Always blocks
	  - Assign statements
	  - Initial statements
	  - Generate blocks
	  - Signal declarations
	  - Module instances
	  - Include files
	  - Task / function declarations

- (#nobug) Correct parse error with in-line 'dist' constraint
-- 0.7.9 Release --

- #(3482259)    Vectored Delayed Wire type not parsed correctly

- #(3476740) 	Module Instance Icon not shown in Outline View

- #(3473539) Add colorization of system calls
   - Added colorization of system calls such as $display etc.

- #(3306728) Correct bug in colorizing the compare view when one of the
  documents being compared comes from a Team Provider

- #(3476740) 	Module Instance Icon not shown in Outline View

- #(nobug) Merge in outline-filter changes from Steven

- #(3482997) Correct a bug involving processing of files with a .vh extension

- #(nobug) Add support for user-specified file extensions via the Preference dialog

-- 0.7.8 Release --

- #(3469890) 	Case statement with default, now : not parsed correctly
  case (a) 1: b=1'b0; default b=1'b1; endcase now fixed

- #(nobug) Correct a parse error with scoped cast types (eg a = myscope::mytype'(val))

- #(nobug) Correct a parse error with randomize calls without an argument list:
  assert(cls1.randomize with {a==2});

- #(nobug) Correct a parse-bug conflict between type and static reference:

- #(3470024) 	net declaration with drive strengths not parsing
	wire (strong1, weak0) #tck_delay pad_an12 = pad_an12_r; 

- #(nobug) Improve filtering of forward typedefs during open-declaration operation

-- 0.7.7 Release --

- #(nobug) Correct implementation of open-declation for `include files 

- #(3468310) Correct a bug in the template completion processor. Now, the
  content assist trigger is the template name rather than the content prefix

- #(3468309) Correct a bug in the expression scanner. Now, open declaration
  and open type hierarchy works when the cursor is placed both on the head 
  and the tail of a token.

- #(3469088) Correct a parse bug involving declaring a virtual-interface variable
  in a begin/end scope

-- 0.7.6 Release --

- #(nobug) Correct indent for non-struct/union typedef 

- #(3464258) Correct null-pointer exception while constructing class hierarchy.

- #(3464297) Correct class-cast exception while browsing hierarchy

- #(nobug) Implement parse support for SV binds

- #(nobug) Correct parse error with iff-conditional cross coverpoints

- #(nobug) Implement parsing for coverpoint transition bins

- #(nobug) Correct parse bug involving conflict between property paren
  expression and sequence match item expression

- #(enh) Implement colorizing support for Eclipse 'diff' editor. Now, 
  keywords and language features are appropriately colorized

- #(enh) Update to Project Explorer integration to mark error-containing 
  files, and their containing folders, with error markers

- #(nobug) Correct an issue with the declaration cache where contents were
  not properly cleared when an index was invalidated

- #(nobug) Correct an issue with path expansion that led linked paths 
  (absolute paths) that existed within the workspace to not be treated
  as equivalent to workspace paths. 

- #(nobug) Correct a case where the file timestamp was not set. This caused
  an index that should be valid to be declared invalid on reload

- #(nobug) Correct an bug involving index iteration across project references.
  This issue was observed in the hierarchy view, since this view is one of 
  the few that still uses index iteration (as opposed to the declaration cache) 

- #(nobug) Correct a bug in the hierarchy viewer where the fields of the
  root class were not correctly displayed

- #(enh) Add basic progress monitor for the hierarchy viewer, since this 
  operation currently can take a long time

-- 0.7.5 Release --

- #(3452746) Correct parse bug involving randcase. randcase does not 
  accept a switch expression

- #(nobug) Support local::-qualified variable references in a randomize call

- #(nobug) Add initial support for cross-project references. Any element 
  referenced by the index setup for a project (include files, declarations)
  can be made available to the index of another project by referencing the
  declaring project

- #(nobug) remove portlist from description of Module content assist. 
  Presenting the portlist in the content assist description seems to clutter up 
  the description and doesn't seem to add much value

- #(nobug) Correct a bug with content assist across a class extension 
  hierarchy. Now, content assist properly searches up the class hierarchy

- #(nobug) Correct dump/restore issue involving the UVM library

- #(enh) Add preferences to control how module/instance instantiations are presented
  by content assist. 

-- 0.7.4 Release --

- #(3445549) 	Number of paramters for tran and rtran incorrect

- #(3445551) 	Array'ed instances of primitives not recognized
      rtranif1 my_gate3[1:0] ({net4,net5}, {net5,net6}, {net6,net7});

- #(3447506) 	Processor directives protect and endprotect not recognized

- #(nobug) Correct an issue with pre-processor `elsif and subsequent macro 

- #(3452563) 	Rise and fall delays in assign statements not supported

- #(nobug) Correct a build issue with the documentation plugins

-- 0.7.3 Release --

- (#3442021) Correct a bug in the Open Declaration implementation that is triggered when
  the line before the open-declaration context contains a comment. For example:
  module a;
  module b;
    // a.
    a a0();

  In this case, the previously-used text analysis would attempt to analyze a.a for open 
  declaration rather than just 'a'.

- (#3442016) Correct a parse bug involving an `include directive with an unterminated
  string without a trailing \n:
  `include "a

-- 0.7.2 Release --

- Implement a workaround to maintain support for Eclipse 3.5.x. Eclipse 3.6
introduced support for linked resources at the project level. We want to
maintain support for this, while also allowing SVEditor to run with 3.5. 

- (#3441833) Correct an issue with preferences where the comment-color preference did not
  properly control the color of multi-line comments

- (#3441287) Correct parse bug involving a delay specifier with a trailing based number:
  a <= #1 'd1;

-- 0.7.1 Release --

- (#3440393) Correct parse bug involving >>> operator

- (#3440393) Correct parse bug involving K&R-style function prototype:
function void myfunc;
  input a, b;
  output c, d;
  // ...

- (#3428296) Correct parse bug involving modport-type field

- (#3421265) Implement support for library paths (-y switch). The index will
  add all files with SV extensions (.sv, .v, .vl) in the specified directory
  to the index file list

-- 0.7.0 Release --

- (#nobug) Added support for delay operators formatted:

- (#nobug) Added support for bitwise XNOR '~^' and '^~'  This is arguably not
  a distinct operator

- (#nobug) Added parameters to Module Content Assist.  Also tried to cleanup
  and do a better job of instantiating ports

- (#nobug) Add parse support for (min:typ:max) assignment w/o #

-- 0.6.1.ea13 Release --

- (#3434561) Drive strengths of Primitives not supported
  - Significant update to primitive support including drive strength support,
    improved error messaging, and better parameter checking
- (#nobug)  Added support for always @*
- (#nobug)  Added "disable iff" support to property parsing
- (#nobug)  Added support for interface ports with default values

- (#nobug)  Ensure parameter declarations are correctly displayed in the outline

- Add preferences page for content assist to control formatting of tasks/functions

- Added Content assist for module instantiation

- (#3436267) Correct parser bug involving concatenation and ternary operator


-- 0.6.1.ea12 Release --

- (#no bug) Fixed "Toggle Block Comment" - Ctrl-/

- (#3428302) 	mixing explicit connection and connection by port name
   Fixed error generated by implicit port connections

- (#no bug) Have auto instantiated functions instantiate named ports. i.e.
        myfunction (.a(a), .b(b)); vs myfunction (a, b);

- (#3432503) Correct lexing bug involving underscore-containing decimal literals

- (#3433089) Correct parser bug involving event-delayed assignment (a <= @(posedge clk) 10)

- Add beginnings of a 'batch' plug-in to facilitate accessing SVEditor functionality
  from scripts. Currently python scripts are supported.


-- 0.6.1.ea11 Release --

- (#3427965) Add parse support for extern constraint declarations

- (#3426561) Environment Variables in files.f.  Corrected the file parser to
  get environment variables from Project Properties > Resource > Linked
  Resources > Path Variables

- (#3429943) Array of module instances - now doesn't flag an error when
  parsing code.  Ports are parsed correctly.

-- 0.6.1.ea10 Release --

- Hook up Tab Width preference to override default Eclipse behavior of  
  always translating a tab to 4 spaces

- Correct a bug involving single-line macros with a trailing comment. Correct 
  behavior in this case is to trim the comment, while correct behavior in the 
  multi-line case is to preserve the comments.

- Track include files that cannot be located and only search once for them. 
  This should improve the parse speed 

- Correct a parse bug with delays involving a hierarchical identifier. For example:

- Hook up the Eclipse Linked Path Variable manager, which enables to user to
  define variables using Preferences->General->Workspace->Linked Resources,
  then refer to them in a .f file or other path used by SVEditor.


-- 0.6.1.ea09 Release --

- Add basic auto-indent support at block level for property and sequence

- Add complete set of ignored arguments for Questa vlog compiler

- Change implementation of the IndexIterator override that ensures that 
  content-assist proprosals from the unsaved content of the active file are
  properly supplied. This fixes a bug that was introduced with the addition
  of a declaration cache.

- Small improvements to property parsing 

- Correct bug with Function/Task override dialog and functions with an 
  implicit return type. These functions are now properly implemented.

-- 0.6.1.ea08 Release --

- Correct a bug with the global definition cache locating typedefs within
  a package. This was producing a null-pointer exception when content
  assist was invoked on a typedef.

- Enhanced parsing of assertions and sequences. Still incomplete, but much better

-- 0.6.1.ea07 Release --

- Correct a bug with sub-including argument files. The Index was improperly
  prepending the index base location to the argument file.

-- 0.6.1.ea06 Release --

- Correct bug involving content-assist on a field whose type was also a
  forward-declaration typedef (eg typedef class my_class;). Content assist
  correctly now filters out the forward declarations when searching for 
  the target type

- (#3410621) Add support for `elsif pre-processor directive

- Correct bugs involving content assist on begin/end-block-local variables

-- 0.6.1.ea05 Release --

- Correct an auto-indent bug with an initial statement with a single statement
  (not a block)

- Correct an auto-indent bug with struct and union variables

- Correct content-assist issue with scopes within interfaces and modules

- (#3404198) Correct a parse bug with task/function calls having unspecified
  (default) parameters

- (#3232422) Correct auto-complete issue with labeling end of blocks

- Correct parse errors with empty named-mapped task/function parameters:
  function void foo(int a=2, int b=3);
  foo(.a(), .b()); // same as foo(2, 3) or foo() 

- (#3404207) Correct open-declaration support for struct and union fields

- Add support for argument files that sub-include argument files using the
  -f argument (eg -f sub_argument_file.f)

-- 0.6.1.ea04 Release --

- (#3393396) Correct macro-expansion bug with string containing unbalanced paren

- (#3400565) Correct parse error with name-mapped struct initialization

- (#3403127) Correct parse error on a function with implicit vectored return 

- (#3393383) Correct parse error with streaming operators with slice size specified

- Correct a parse bug with initialized struct fields

-- 0.6.1.ea03 Release --

- (#3393397) Correct non-blocking event trigger

- (#3393386) Correct parse bug with packed and signed/unsigned structs

- (#3392717) Add parse support for timeprecision / timeunit directives

- (#3398604) Correct parse error with strength-specified assign

- (#3392733) Correct parse error with virtual interface-parameterized class
  static method invocation

-- 0.6.1.ea02 Release --

- (#3392156) Correct a parse bug with time unit 's'

- (#3392155) Implement parse support for stream operators (eg { << {...}})

- Add a "Global-Declaration Cache" to the index. This permits searching for
  global types (classes, modules, interfaces, functions, packages) without
  iterating through the entire index data structures. 
  The global declaration cache is stored along with the index persistence
  data, and enables operations such as content assist and open declaration
  to be much faster.

- Enhance content assist to search within begin/end scopes -- for example:
  initial begin
    class_type e;

- Correct a bug with content assist using task/function parameters. For example:
  task my_task(class_type param);

- (#3392730) Correct bug in lexing strings containing parens

- (#3392170) Correct bug with generate blocks containing named begin/end blocks

- (#3392161) Correct bug involving strings with embedded comments and backslashes

- (#3392721) Correct parse bug with struct/enum-type variables. For example:
   class c;
       enum {A, B, C} enum_field;

-- 0.6.1.ea01 Release --

- Re-release of 0.6.0.ea10. Looks like Eclipse thinks version 'ea10' is less than 'ea9'

- (#3358145) Enhance parser to accept attributes on task/function calls

- (#3362302) Multi-dimensional array parse error (string my_string[][2];)

- (#3354142) Enable module-port-connection content assist when only '.' is

-- 0.6.0.ea10 Release --

- Tighten up lexing of numbers. Ensure decimal numbers are not parsed as hex numbers. 
  Ensure floating-point constants are parsed correctly.

- (#3358145) Enhance parser to accept attributes on task/function calls

- (#3362302) Multi-dimensional array parse error (string my_string[][2];)

- (#3354142) Enable module-port-connection content assist when only '.' is

-- 0.6.0.ea9 Release --

- (#3357222) Correct parse error on class type with a virtual-interface 
  For example: class my_class extends my_super #(virtual my_interface)

- (#3357305) Correct problem with open-declaration in a scope with an assert statement

-- 0.6.0.ea8 Release --

- Add initial support for module-port content assist. This feature helps in
connecting ports of an instantiated module to the instantiating environment

- Correct a bug with Open Declaration for a module type

-- 0.6.0.ea7 Release --

- Correct a problem with inclusion of the new UVM plug-in in the SVEditor feature

-- 0.6.0.ea6 Release --

- Correct lexer bug with whitespace in based numbers, such as "32 'h 2A"

- (#3243605) Correct bug with macro reference adjacent to ':' (eg `A:begin)

-- 0.6.0.ea5 Release --

- Correct parse bug related to parameterized static-reference expressions
  (eg int a = foo #(A)::b;)

- Correct parse bug related to parameterized static-assignment expressions
  (eg foo #(A)::b = 2;)

- Correct a macro-argument processing issue related to string macro arguments
  that contain commas

- Correct a bug in support for unbased, unsigned literals: '0, '1, 'z, 'x

- Correct parse bug with initialized associative arrays

- Correct parse bug involving a delay value derived from a field reference

- Correct expansion of macros containing embedded parameter references
  (eg `define MY_A_MACRO `define MY(P) `MY_``P``_MACRO)

- Correct parse bug related to type parameters (foo #(unsigned int) bar;)

- Enable macros with embedded single-line comments

- Improve ability to distinguish between type declarations and 
  type-based references

-- 0.6.0.ea4 Release --
- (#3240224) Corrected issue with recursive inclusion of files
- (#3302295) Correct bug in error-recovery logic, resulting in a parser hang
- Correct a bug with parsing port-map wildcards: module_inst A(.*)

-- 0.6.0.ea3 Release --

- Correct a parse error with the '**' operator

- Correct an infinite loop when a parse error occurs in a class scope

- Temporarily disabled file-structure display in the Project Explorer

-- 0.6.0.ea2 Release --

- Correct a few bugs with the editor outline view. 
    - Module instances, imports and a few other things affected by the 
      SVDB structure changes are now correctly displayed.
    - Covergroup items are not expandable now
    - Covergroup options are now displayed correctly

- Correct a parse error with coverpoint sized array bins (bins foo[8] = ...)

- Update 'Rebuild Index' command on the context menu of the Project Explorer
  to immediately request a build of the index after invalidating it.

- Correct open-declaration for super-class reference

-- 0.6.0.ea1 Release --

- Enhance SVEditor to make two time-consuming startup tasks 
  (index-afinity discovery and file parse) threaded operations. 
  This has the effect of making SVEditor open more quickly.

- Major changes to the parser. Nearly all SystemVerilog constructs
  are fully parsed. Previously, many were lexically processed via
  a scanner.

- Use a backing cache for files in the index. This permits faster
  startup time, and should be more scalable, since the database need
  not be entirely in memory

-- 0.4.0 Release --

- (#3181880) Critical bug related to restructuring of the SVDB

- Corrected a bug with the Outline view, also due to SVDB restructuring 


-- 0.3.9 Release --

- Correct a problem with the SVEditor Outline view that prevented the viewer
  from updating in response to on-the-fly changes in the editor. 

- Correct parse bug related to pre- and post- increment/decrement expressions

- (#3176354) Update parser to correctly support all gate-level primitives

- (#3177127) Correct a problem with relative include paths that extend above 
  the workspace location.

- (#3176424) Corrected the functionality of the Edit button on the  
  Source Collections project properties tab.


-- 0.3.8 Release --

- (#3159790) Correct critical bug in windows file-pattern matching


-- 0.3.7 Release --

- Fix bugs in build of 'Developer Docs' plugin-in

- Enable handling of enum forward-declaration in the parser

- (#3153829) Change 'shadow' SourceCollection index, which is created when a file outside
  an existing index is opened, to only index sources in the top-level directory.

- Update the file-finding code (used by SourceCollection) to identify and
  skip excluded directories. This makes search more efficient.
  Should resolve (#3152333)

- Change the marker-propagation mechanism to work properly when triggered via
  a file-change event. This should result in more-reliable error propagation.
  This appears to resolve (#3154474)


-- 0.3.6 Release --

- Integrate the current 'Getting Started' guide into the Eclipse help system.

- Add initial "SVEditor Internals" documentation -- for now, just the 
  JavaDoc-created API document.


-- 0.3.5 Release --

- Improve support for parsing and preserving import statements. Imports are
  parsed and represented in the AST, as well as being shown in the Outline view.
  This improved support also resolves issue #3135375.

- Add Initial Eclipse Search support. Search can now be accessed via the
  Search->SystemVerilog menu item (or, alternatively, the SystemVerilog tab
  on the Search dialog). 
  - Searching for declarations is supported (reference search unsupported)
  - Searching for Types, Methods, Packages, and Fields supported
  - The 'List' format for search results has reasonable support, while the
    'Tree' format is mostly unimplemented

- Change SVDBLocation to track line position in addition to line number. 

- Implement styled text for label providers. The effect of this change can be
  observed in the Outline view. Field types and function return types are now
  displayed with different styling than the name of the function/field.

- [Internal API] Update the ISVDBItemIterator interface to support contextual 
  scanning. This allows the client to, for example, scan to the next package 
  declaration without seeing all elements in between.

- Add a version to the saved parse database. This enables a better message to
  the user when a new SVEditor version chooses to rebuild a database due to
  a format difference. 


-- 0.3.4 Release --

- Add parse support for 'defparam'

- (#3135411) Correct auto-indent bug in moving a non-whitespace line down.

- Correct auto-indent bug involving leading whitespace when moving a
  line down the page.

- (#3127392,3141758) Add support for module hierarchy display via the 'F4' 


-- 0.3.3 Release --

- (#3124078) Resolve parse error with delayed assign

- Correct a bug with the Library Index related to relative include paths 
  that extend outside the project directory. 

- (#3115121) Enable 'Open Declaration' for updir-relative include paths 
  (eg `include "../../../my_h.svh").

- Parser/scanner now parses through more of the behavioral block statements. Since 
  there are many SystemVerilog statements that don't end with a ';', this makes
  parsing more reliable.

- Correct parse errors discovered when adding tests based on OpenCores projects
    - Correct a parse error with 'if' statements attached to an always.
      Enhanced parser to begin parsing through behavioral statements
    - Enhanced parser to allow initialized nets
    - Correct parser bug with reduction operators in expressions
    - Correct a parse error with concatenations in assigns
    - Correct parse bug with non-ansi task/function parameter declarations
    - Enable multiple comma-separated module instances
    - Enable basic parsing of specify blocks
    - Enable basic parsing of pullup/pulldown
    - Correct a pre-processor problem with macro arguments that are 
    - Enhance the pre-processor to exclude single-line comments from
      macro definitions, while including multi-line comments

- Correct a problem with deeply-nested macro expansion where a trailing ')' was left
  in the expansion text

- (#3123564) Fix parse error with import statements prior to the module
  port declaration


-- 0.3.2 Release --

- (#3118954) Correct a parse error with sized references to an enum type

- (#3118954) Correct a problem parsing content after a package declaration

- (#3118945) Add a filter to the editor to gracefully deal with files that 
  contain \r-delimited lines. Generally, this results when a file created on
  the Windows OS is mangled in some form. \r-delimited lines will be 
  automatically transformed to \r\n-delimited lines and a message will be 
  displayed in the console.

- Fix an issue with FileSystem indexing, where adding a new file to the 
  FileSystem and attempting to open it causes the index to report that
  the file "isn't in the FileTree Map". Solve by re-building the index
  whenever a file is opened that exists on the FileSystem but isn't in the

- (#3121178) Correct a windows-path issue that caused an opened file to
  be associated with the wrong index, and consequently an internal error.


-- 0.3.1 Release --

- (#2970554) Correct a crash due to a missing file when debug logging was

- (#3031087) Support CTRL+SHIFT+F binding for formatting file

- Correct indenting of always_comb, always_latch, and always_ff blocks

- (#3118081) Correct paste bug related to always_comb 

- (#3118472) Correct outdent bug with empty enum declaration.

- Correct a bug when pasting text that does not end with a newline. Previously,
  the last token of the pasted text (eg endmodule) would often be dropped. 
  Interestingly enough, this bug was being masked by a bug in the test
  results comparison.

- Support proper indent of forward typedef enum (eg typedef enum A;)

- (#3118342) Added a workaround for interoperatbility of tabs and spaces in 
  'insert-spaces' mode. It seems Eclipse tries to be 'smart' and insert
  fewer spaces based on the number of preceeding tabs on the line. For example,
  if the line starts with 1 tab, then a subsequent space-inserting tab will
  only insert 3 spaces. If the line starts with 2 tabs, then only two
  spaces will be inserted. 

- (#3118464) Corrected a problem with content assist in an empty file

- (#3115123) Initial implementation of Add/Remove Block Comment operations.
   CTRL+SHIFT+/ comments selected block, while CTRL+SHIFT+\ uncomments block


-- 0.3.0 Release --

- Correct parse errors with assignment expressions containing complement (~)
  and system tasks (eg $abs(a))

- Correct a bug with indenting of nested modules

- (#3110581) Enable use of indenting-related preferences in the 
  General->Editors->Text Editors category. Now, indent and auto-indent respect
  the 'Insert spaces for tabs' preference and use the 'Displayed tab width'
  preference to select how many spaces to indent.

- (#3115322) Fix a problem with the pre-processor that prevented files with
  unbalanced pre-processor conditionals from being opened


-- 0.2.9 Release --

- Initial parse support for generate blocks (for, if, case)

- Correct some issues with handling of clocking blocks. SVEditor is still
  skipping over the clocking-block content, but should result in fewer 
  parse mistakes.


-- 0.2.8 Release --

- Correct problems with expansion of environment variables in argument-file

- Correct problem with content assist on indexed array/queue fields

- Correct module-port parse bugs
    - sized un-typed ports (eg module foo([3:0] a); )
    - interface ports (eg module foo(interface a); )
    - interface ports with multi-dimension vectors
    - sized parameters

-- 0.2.7 Release --

- Correct a problem when opening a declaration in a file that isn't currently
  open in an instance of SVEditor. Now, an error is emited and a cast class
  is avoided.

- Correct bugs around auto-indent of pasted content

- Correct bug with indent of if/else when begin is on a new line

- Correct a problem with adaptive indent when the end point for adaptive 
  training is a comment. 

- Correct bug with pre-processor. Macro-embedded conditionals are now properly 


-- 0.2.6 Release --

- Correct a content-assist bug related to array and queue data types (#3046751)
  The cause was a parser bug that caused Array and Queue data types to not be 
  tagged properly.

- Correct a content-assist bug with method-containing expressions, such as

- Improved the Indenter to handle adaptive indent in a more-flexible and
  more-reliable manner

-- 0.2.5 Release --

- Correct problem with setting cursor location of Open Declaration (#3034640)

- Correct problems with compare and dump methods in the new TypeInfo classes.
  These caused problems with index loading (#3034574 and #3034577)

- Correct parse bugs with module ports
    - Untyped ports with specified directions
    - Modports: module foo(. mp);

- Correct argument-file include-path resolution order. Now, if an 
  identically-named file exists in multiple include directories, the correct
  file (first found, traversing the include paths in order) will  
  be included and used.

- Removed a dangling reference to the 'SystemVerilog Methodology Class' 
  wizard, which is a wizard for creating class templates that are specific
  to a methodology, such as OVM or VMM. This wizard was still accessible
  via the main menu 'New' menu, which should not be the case until this 
  work is complete.

- Add support for always variants (always_comb, always_iff, always_latch)

- Correct content-assist issue (#3038561) when document length is 0

- Update function-override logic to tag overridden virtual tasks/functions
  with 'virtual'

- Correct an indent problem with comment blocks. Comment lines following
  the initial line were incorrectly indented
  - Need to push a provisional indent when entering a scope. This provisional
    indent can be altered later when a non-comment element is detected.


-- 0.2.4 Release --

- Correct parse bugs with module parameters
    - empty parameter list
    - parameter declaration inside module

- Add parse support for locally-defined parameters

- Add parse support for typed-net elements

- Add basic parse support for nested interfaces and nested modules


-- 0.2.3 Release --

- Add additional tests for references to project-external paths from 
  argument file project paths

- Correct a bug with argument-file include paths having a trailing '/'. 
  For example: +incdir+../../../

- Correct bugs in project-external relative paths specified in an 
  argument file project path

- Correct a bug with module parsing that caused content assist to not be
  triggered very near the end of the module, due to an expected parse error

- Updated the content-assist scanner to be aware of comments within the
  source. This prevents content in a comment from interfering with 
  content assist.

- Correct a reference to the 'expression' Eclipse plug-in that prevented
  SVEditor from installing in some Eclipse versions. The 'expression' plug-in
  reference is now un-versioned.

- Add basic scanner support (ignore) for clocking blocks

- Add basic scanner support (ignore) for modports

- Fix bug with parsing of always expression. The new parser that markes
  parse errors made it apparent that there was a problem

- Correct parse bug with 'virtual interface' datatype

- Correct bug with handling of empty constraint block (#3031558)

- Correct bug with labeled covergroup

- Correct parsing of [net_type] [type_or_implicit] [elem]

- Update lexer to recognize time-unit constants

- Restored support for package Open Declaration from an import

-- 0.2.2 Release --

- Support content assist for SystemVerilog keywords

- Fix bugs, introduced by the new parser, in support for covergroup 
  content assist and added tests

- Enhance the Project Explorer with a Project Paths entry that allows the
  directory structure of indexes (workspace internal and external) to be 
  browsed. This makes it significantly easier to open a file that is part
  of an index that is outside the filesystem. It also makes it easier to
  see what is present in the index paths of a project.

- Enhanced Argument File index to support argument files that reference
  paths outside the workspace. An example of this case is shown in the
  OVM 'xbus' example. The example project is 'xbus', but the argument file
  in the project references the OVM library several directory levels 
  above -- outside the project directory.

- Enhance support for content assist in 'module' context
    - Ensure ports are parsed
    - Search ports (same as function parameters) when searching up for 
      content-assist proposals

-- 0.2.1 Release --

- Corrected a pretty severe auto-indent bug related to pasting the opening 
(and not closing) portion of a multi-line comment. Now SVEditor does not
attempt to auto-indent cases where newly-pasted content makes comment
boundaries ambiguous

- Correct a bug with hierarchy-based navigation (ie Open Declaration) that
caused navigation history to not be maintained properly

- Extensive changes to the parsing framework, which will example improvements
  to the accuracy and extent of parsing.

- Extended content assist to structs -- both typedef and inline-decl

- Extended content assist to comprehend extern functions and search the
  corresponding class scope

- Annotate editor with error markers from the parser. For now, this should 
  be helpful in understanding where the parser is encountering parser errors.
  As the parser adds features, this should be a useful tool for SystemVerilog

-- 0.2.0 Release --

- Add basic support for code templates. Currently, no built-in code templates
  are provided, though contributions are very welcome. Suggestions for
  extending code-template support are, likewise, welcome.

-- 0.1.9 Release --

- Correct a macro-expansion bug with nested macros that was triggered 
  by the VMM library source

- Correct a bug with handling of endfunction/endtask with a end label 

-- 0.1.8 Release --

- Make auto-indenter adaptive to surrounding scope indent. This means that
  if class methods have the same indent as the class scope (aligned to margin),
  the auto-identer will indent the method body statements one tab in from the

- Corrected a bug with auto-indent paste and strings with embedded 
  control characters. In this situation, the pasted content would 'disappear'.

- Enhance content-assist when editing parameterized classes by searching 
  class parameters as a data-type

- Enable full-file indent via CTRL-I. Previously, this operation was diabled.

- Resolved a bug in auto-indent scanner that caused some combinations of 
  empty lines to be collapsed into one

- Filter __sv_builtin classes from super-class proposal list

- Change default focus in 'New SV Class' wizard to 'Class Name' field

- Add scanner support for 'pure virtual' tasks/functions

- Auto-indent now recognizes foreach as a loop construct

-- 0.1.7 Release --

- Add class-creation wizard that supports browsing for a super-class and 
  implementing the constructor with super-constructor parameters

-- 0.1.6 Release --

- Correct include-pathing issue for nested defines. 

- Correct macro-resolution bug for macros defined in sub-included files

- Update list of supported directives. Most of these are ignored for now, but
  produce no errors.
    - `celldefine 
    - `endcelldefine
    - `line
    - `nounconnected_drive
    - `resetall
    - `unconnected_drive
    - `undef
    - `undefineall

- Fix project explorer to not display error markers as part of the file structure

-- 0.1.5 Release --

- Resolve a bug in indent support for always 

- Resolve a critical bug with file paths on Windows

-- 0.1.4 Release --

- Add content-assist support for class typedefs. Now, class typedefs are 
recognized as aliases for the underlying type.

- Correct a bug with content assist for macros having no parameters. 
Previously, these macros were displayed incorrectly in the content proposal.

- Correct a bug with content-assist on the RHS of an '='. 

- Correct a bug with expression indenting. Fix bug / add tests for indenting of covergroups, coverpoints.

- Fix bug with opening a file that exists in the root of a project

- Correct a windows-specific bug that resulted in the built-in library
  missing files

- Correct a bug with indenting pre-processor directives such as `timescale

- Collect and display errors as markers
    - Missing define
    - Missing include file
    - Annotate the parent index that manages the file 

- Expand testing of indexing
    - Library Index
        - Ensure new files are correctly merged in
            - On load, discovering a previously-missing file triggers an 
              index build (Workspace and Filesystem varieties)
            - During operation, adding a file that was previously a 
              missing include triggers index rebuild (Workspace only)
        - Ensure global defines are propagated
        - Ensure missing includes/defines are annotated
    - Argument File Index
        - On load, discovering an updated index triggers index rebuild
        - Ensure index is re-scanned when the argument file changes
        - Ensure global defines are propagated
        - Ensure missing includes/defines are annotated
    - Plugin Lib Index
        - Ensure new files added (ie new release) result in updated index. 
    - SourceCollection Index
        - Update structure-determining logic to recognize 
          package,module,interface, and program-based structures
        - Ensure global defines are propagated
        - Ensure included files are located
        - Ensure missing includes/defines are annotated


-- 0.1.3 Release --

- Change the way that files are associated with indexes. Previously, only the
containing project's indexes were checked to locate the index a file should
be associated with. Typical setup for projects with a single build file and 
multiple source locations do not work well with this scheme.  
Now, the following is done:
    - The file's containing project is checked to see if it manages the index.
      This gives local settings priority
    - Next, other open projects in the workspace are checked
    - Finally, shadow indexes in the projects are checked

- Correct bug with propagation of +define+ arguments from the argument file
to the index define map.

- Add Project Properties page for setting global pre-processor defines

- Update indexers to use global defines. Now, the user can provide global
defines -- ones, for instance, that might be provided directed to the 
compile command.

- Fixed a few minor bugs in indent support and added a few tests

- Fix a minor pre-processor bug with macro expansion

- Fix bug with indent of forever. Add test

- Add content-assist support for '= new()'. Now, content assist provides 
the constructor argument list.

- Correct a bug with the Type Hierarchy view where a non-extended class
is not shown.

- Add icon for Coverpoint Cross

- Add content-assist support for import. 

- Add content assist for covergroups and coverpoints
    - Support for accessing covergroup and sub-coverpoints in an expression
    - Support for built-in methods (get_coverage, sample, etc)
    - Support covergroup, coverpoint, and coverpoint cross options 


-- 0.1.2 Release --

- Add content-assist support for parameterized classes. Now, content assist
will parse and operate on the specialized class rather than its base type. 
This means that, for example, content assist can 'see through' a parameterized
member field.

- Improve content-assist support for dynamic arrays, queues, and 
associative arrays. Now, methods that are part of the type (ie queue) are 
provided as content-assist proposals.

- Add Class Hierarchy viewer. Selecting a class name in the editor and opening
the Hierarchy view via the shortcut (F4) or the context menu will display the
class super- and sub- class hierarchy. Class members for the selected class
are shown in a separate pane. The source location for Classes and members 
may be opened by double-clicking on the appropriate element in the 
Hierarchy viewer.

- Fix bug with accepting a expression content proposal with no leaf. 
For example: foo.. Previously, performing this operation would
result in the content being inserted at the beginning of the document. 

- Apply auto-indent to content inserted by Override Methods dialog

- Correct a bug in the scanner with extern tasks/functions outside a 
class/package scope

- Fix auto-indent bugs
    - Support package as an indent scope
    - Resolve issues when typing at the very end of a document.
    - Properly indent class declarations within packages and modules
    - Correct issue with indenting extern task/function
    - Support fork/join* as an indent scope
    - Fix problem with pasting, with auto-indent, in the middle of a port map

- Remove OVM plugin library from distribution. Source from user's environment
is typically used.

- Add SystemVerilog system tasks and functions to the default library. These
now appear as content assist proposals

- Correct a bug with scanning class declarations that occur on a single line


-- 0.1.1 Release --

- Add the beginnings of an indenter. To activate, select text in the editor
and select -I. Currently, blocks such as classes, modules, 
tasks/functions, and begin/end blocks are supported. 
    - This is still fairly experimental functionality. Please report any
      issues you see!
    - Unclear how best to indent macro invocations, since many 
      are not terminated at statement boundaries (at least in OVM). 
      For now, assuming that macro invocations end at a line boundary.

- Update on-the-fly auto-indent to use the new indenter. This replaces a 
whole raft of heuristic code that was less than reliable. However, as noted
above, the new indenter is less than fully-tested, so expect some instability. 

- Support auto-indent for paste using the indenter. This functionality is 
only enabled if auto-indent is enabled in the SVEditor Preferences.

- Auto-indent is enabled by default for 'new' workspaces. For existing 
workspaces, the user will need to enable auto-indent via the SVEditor 
preferences page.


-- 0.1.0 Release --

- Ensure that changes to task/function arguments are updated in the database
when the file changes.

- Make expression parsing more selective with respect to quoted strings. 
Content assist adjacent to a string (eg in a $display() call) now works 
much better

- Corrected a lookup bug that prevented task/function parameters or locals
from being presented as content-assist proposals

- Added support for always/initial blocks and assigns to the scanner and 
outline view

- Direct debug output (enabled from SVEditor preferences page) to console
in active workbench.

- Update support for enumerated types. Enum types and values are presented
and typenames can be cross-referenced

- Update Outline view to show function return type

- Changed content-assist searches to be case-insensitive. The code architecture
is also now more modular, to permit easier future updates.


-- 0.0.9 Release --

- Corrected a bug with implicit-relative paths in an argument file. 
Previously, ./ and ../ were recognized as relative paths. 
Now  is also recognized as a relative path.

- Corrected a bug in processing virtual interface fields. The scanner was 
incorrectly identifying these fields as a change of scope. Interface is a 
first-level keyword, but virtual interface is a valid field.

- Corrected problem in parsing indexed expressions when extracting
root/trigger/leaf from an expression.

- Enhanced expression parsing (translation from text to SVDBItems) to account
for static references based as a class type: ::::...

- Enhanced the lookup procedure performed by the editor on startup to 
determine which index manages a given source file. Extended to recognize
files from the filesystem that are managed by an index attached to a 
project in the workspace.

- Corrected a bug with class-field lookup (cross-linking and context assist) 
where the super-class hierarchy was not considered.

- Centralized lookup code for expressions, combining content-assist and
cross-linking lookup


-- 0.0.8 Release --

The 0.0.8 release contains major changes to SVEditor. 

The source-discovery mechanism has changed completely. Now, for best results, 
the user should provide SVEditor with paths to the package files and/or 
file lists that specify the source files. If a file is opened that is 
not part of a defined index, SVEditor will setup a temporary index containing 
just files in the parent directory.

Improvements have continued on the persistence support. On exit of Eclipse, 
SVEditor saves the parsed representation of all active indexes to the workspace. 
SVEditor is able to simply re-load the database from this save file if 
none of the SystemVerilog files have subseqently been modified. 
This can save a significant amount of time during Eclipse startup by reducing 
the amount of redundant parsing. 

Added logging infrastructure, including a method to control debug logging
from the preferences page and saving the debug log to a file in the workspace.


-- 0.0.7 Release --
    - Fix DR 2689430 -- problem with opening/closing/deleting a project in workspace
        - Sometimes a resource-change event is signaled with a null event
    - Add patch from <> for basic color preferences
    - Incorporate patch from <> for DR <> -- problem with paths on Windows
    - Fix problem with source cross-reference to classes declared 
      directly within a package. This issue did not affect classes declared
      within a package via an `include directive.
    - Add persistence support to prevent unchanged source files from being 
      re-parsed on every invocation
*   - Fix problem with resolving macros in the SourceCollection index
    - Expanded index support with the following new types
        - Source collection index -- examines file structure and attempts to 
          determine correct parse order based on include relationships
        - Library index -- entry point is the root file of a package-based
          library. Locates included files
        - Plugin library -- support for packaging common source in a plugin
          that can be distributed with SVEditor


-- 0.0.6 Release --

- Add support for 'open declaration' on included file
- Re-add support for includes and macro definitions in the editor outline
- Add support for open-declaration on a macro call
- Add beginnings of 'Override/Implement Methods' action to the editor context menu
    - Prompts the user for tasks/functions in the super class hierarchy 
      that can be overridden
    - Inserts task/function outlines
- [Development] Add an extension point that allows SystemVerilog libraries 
  to be packaged in a plug-in
- Begin adding support for core SystemVerilog classes (string for now)
- Add OVM 2.0.1 to as a built-in library
- Fix DR 2683568 -- scanner problem when parsing incomplete begin-end block
- Add basic support for DPI tasks/functions in the scanner
- Fixed a problem with content assist on task/function parameter names
- Added an icon for local variables and task parameters


-- 0.0.5 Release --

== Completely new pre-processor architecture. Files in a build-path directory
are processed in two passes now. First, the files are scanned for pre-processor
definitions, conditionals, and inclusions. Then, when a file is scanned, the
build context of the file is computed (ie which chain of files is likely to
include the file being parsed). This allows us to determine which macros
will be 'live' during file processing.

The new pre-processor architecture allows SVEditor to deal with the heavy 
macro use of libraries such as OVM. Now, for example, it is possible to
provide content-assist for class elements in OVM classes that are contributed
by macros (eg tasks in the various TLM port classes).

== Continued work on content-assist. Now, the expression surrounding the 
content-assist point is processed so better suggestions can be provided. 
Also, more context information from the class hierarchy is used. 
For example:

- given the classes:

class bar;
    ovm_master_port #(int, int)    p;


class foo extends bar;

    function void do_something();


The content-assist processor recognizes that 'p' is the variable for 
content-assist, locates 'p' via the class hierarchy, and prompts for tasks,
functions, and fields in the class ovm_master_port.

- given the classes:

class bar;

    int a, b, c;


class foo;

    function bar get_bar();

    function void do_something();


The content-assist processor recognizes the function 'get_bar', finds the 
return type, and prompts for fields, tasks, etc from the class bar.

== Added code templates to content assist. This provides argument templates
for tasks, functions, macros, and templated classes. 

== The content-assist processor can provide content-assist proposals for 
include files. Typing: `include  or 
`include "prefix will present a list of matching 
include-file names.

20090102 -- Fix outline label provider
20090103 -- Eliminate duplicate proposals for include files
         -- Fixed indexing of files in workspace paths. Previously, only files
            in non-workspace build paths were added to the index. 
20090105 -- Correct skipping of constraint body. Constraint body is now ignored
         -- Pre-processor seems to not always ignore comment content
20090106 -- Correct problem with pre-processor that resulted in scanner incorrectly
            processing lines that end with a single-line comment.
         -- Correct problem with parsing identifiers directly followed by ':'. 
            For example, endfunction: myfunction
20090107 -- Update line numbers of SVDB items parsed from the live editor. Affected source
            is in SVDBFileMerger, SVDBItem, and SVDBScopeItem.



-- 0.0.4 Release --

20081202 -- Add brace-matching highlighting to editor
20081213 -- Remove conflict between JDT 'Open Declaration' shortcut and
            SVEditor's shortcut

          - Added a SVEditor build paths and include paths project-properties page

* Add a build paths and include paths property page
* Add support for including macros using `include and the file provider
* Fix bug in handling of extern tasks/functions
* Support indexing of elements on the build path
* Extended support for 'open declaration'
    * Navigation to class declarations defined on build path
* Add exclusions to Index class: .svn CVS, etc
* Enhance scanner
    - Improve support for macros
        * macros with parameters
        * Change structure of pre-processor and scanner for better pre-processor support
    * Scanner now parses 'extends' portion of class declaration
    * Scanner now parses parameters to class-type fields. Type parameters 
      are also displayed in the outline
* Basic support for content assist
    * Support content assist for `include directives
    * Support content assist for macro invocations
    * Prompt for classes on the build path
    * Prompt for tasks, functions and fields in the current scope (doesn't handle task parameters)
    * Prompt for tasks, functions, and members in the inheritance hierachy
    * Support icons on content-assist (helpful in seeing type and attributes of a suggestion)
* Ensure proper merging of current/new project settings
* Field-attribute icons on outline now update properly when the attributes
  change (ie protected -> local)
* Fix problems with line-number accuracy and macro substitution
    * Better, but still off-by-one occasionally
* Enhance 'open declaration' to use the index to traverse the class 
  hierarchy and find tasks, functions, fields


-- 0.0.3 Release --

20081101 - 
    - Add dedicated C-style comment detector for multi-line comments. Fixes
      cases where the Eclipse built-in multi-line pattern detector failed.


-- Future --

- Hover info-pops
    - Use same basic parsing strategy as content-assist, but use to drive info-pops that display
      information about the element under the cursor
    - Preserve and show attached comments

 - Begin work on users guide

 * Open Declaration Improvements
    * Add Open Declaration support for included files
    * Scan context, rather than just using highlighted term
    * Recognize 'super' and search hierarchy
 - Add auto-indent rules centered around begin/end and brackets
 - Add inheritance hierarchy viewer
 - Notification on build-path change. Ensure setting a new build path results in re-scanning
 - Need a better strategy for cross-editor navigation. We loose our build-path context when we switch to an editor for a file on the build path
 * Investigate mismatch between macro def and invocation parameter counts
 - Support folding of begin/end regions
 - Add Design Hierarchy view, showing modules and their instantiation     
 - Some sort of library-specific macro filtering could be helpful. (eg don't expand `ovm_component_utils)

 * Update build-path management to support
    - 'library' entries -- single file that is the root of a library (eg OVM)
    - filtering source from 

 * Support read-only source in a plugin. Useful for libraries (OVM/VMM).
    - A library index processes files as follows:
        - Entry point is root file
        - Any file included by that file or sub-files is included in the index
        - Process recursively:
            - At each level, create an SVDBFileTree object to work with
            - Reference parent's SVDBFileTree object
                -> Must 'pre-process' SVDBFileTree to resolve conditionals
            - Monitor inclusions. As files are included:
                - Ensure they exist as SVDBFileTree objects
                - Add to the DefineProvider
                - Check whether file has already been parsed. 
                    - Add to TODO list if not
 - Add basic support for Verilog .f files. This might be a concise way to specify the build process...
 - Need a multi-level sort for content proposals
    - order by name
    - order by scope distance (local variables, parameters, tf, types, etc)
    - any