51,641,787 solutions installed directly from Eclipse!
New and Updated Solutions
OmniFish tools for Eclipse GlassFish
Using the OmniFish tools for Eclipse GlassFish, you can integrate the Eclipse GlassFish Server within the Eclipse IDE and perform the following tasks: Starting and stopping the...
OpenAPI (Swagger) Editor
Provides support for editing the OpenAPI files (formerly known as Swagger). See documentation for more details. Features Supports versions 2.x and 3.x of OpenAPI. Supports both...
JSF Tools - PrimeFaces
Eclipse Web Developer Tools extension for PrimeFaces
Eclipse plugin to develop software applications using MICROEJ SDK. Please refer to the documentation for installation instructions and to learn know how to use it. Need help...
BNM Eclipse plugin
BNM is not Maven. BNM is rather a proof of possible enhancements to Maven. This plugins provides Eclipse integration of BNM. The main idea of this plugin is to manage a tree of...
Liberty Tools
Liberty Tools for Eclipse IDE offers features for developing cloud-native Java applications with Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty. Iterate fast with Liberty dev mode, code with...
Javac backend for Eclipse JDT
This fragment contains a Javac backend (instead of ECJ) for JDT features: error reporting/reconciling build/compilation indexing code selection (Ctrl + click / hover) code...
iRPGUnit for RDi
iRPGUnit is an open source plugin for RDi The plug-in provides unit tests for RPG on IBM i. iRPGUnit is a fork of the RPGUnit project, providing enhancements and an...
Rapid Fire for RDi
Rapid Fire is an open source plug-in for IBM's Rational Developer for i It helps copying live data and reducing down times. Do you have files with millions or even...