51,651,195 solutions installed directly from Eclipse!
New and Updated Solutions
Xcarecrows 4 IRM
Xcarecrows 4 IRM is part of the Xcarecrows 4 SMV framework to help developers improve the quality of their application while accelerating the time to market thanks to the...
ProSyst mBProfiler is a source code optimization tool for embedded Java projects and enables developers to tune up their Java programs increasing enormously their productivity and...
LWJGL Plugin
The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) is a Java library wrapping OpenGL and OpenAL. It comes with some JARs and native libraries.
UbiLoop is a solution to design m-services (mobile services) with both connected and offline modes. It works against iOS, Android, BlackBerry OS etc. UbiLoop is part of the e-Citiz...
AcceCite Studio
AcceCite provides a graphical solution to design accessible e-services. AcceCite complies with the W3C WAI standard (WCAG AA level) including W3C CSS and XHTML standards. AcceCite...
e-Citiz Studio
e-Citiz Studio is a visual plug-in to design iBPM (interactive Business Process Management) e-Services using an MDA/MDE approach. It generates a JEE application. The Studio is...
NVIDIA Visual Profiler
NVIDIA Visual Profiler provides automated performance analysis and expert guidance for optimizing the performance of CUDA-accelerated applications. NVIDIA Visual Profiler is...
StreamBase Studio
StreamBase Studio™, one of three components of the StreamBase Event Processing Platform, is a powerful Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) which enables...