Show Folders Eclipse Plugin
Similar to Open Resource Dialog. Opens a dialog box. Shows chosen folder or project in Package Explorer. Keyboard Short Cut is Ctrl+Shift+4 . Appears in the Navigate menu. Useful...
Trufun WebRCP:the GWT framework with completely open source based on html5 technology, is used to transplant eclipse RCP app to GWT web app.
Plato-X-Free Edition To work with the UML there are many tools, including some free tools. The company Trufun from China owns a powerful and excellent UML tool, of which there is a...
The PFGrid-Toolkit provides fast and flexible widgets for SWT/JFace, especially an SWT-Grid-widget which allows TreeList- and Table-mode. The rendering is done by renderer-classes...
Provides a set of eclipse plugins that conforms a integrated development environment (IDE) for the ioke language (
Initial goal to writing this plugin - fix the problem with original APT which not works on my version of Eclipse. So -after short searching for alternative or at least sourcecode...
Dealing with a heap of SIP logs to pin point a certain call might sometimes be a difficult journey. Interesting tools such as sipworkbench or sipx viewer already expose some...
The primary function of the SEA-QL is the fast and accurate search of Java-related software engineering artifacts using their properties and relations. SEA-QL’s unparalleled...
The secure organizer for the business you do on all your devices. ...without any cloud services. All-in-one, secure and integrated * notepad * contact manager * task manager *...
WolfDBManager2 is an Eclipse Rich Client Platform Application for SQL Developer. Features (WolfDBManager2) - Control Multiple Connection - Support Mongo-db +- Select, Insert...