Seamless developer tool sales. Built for Eclipse.

Selling to developers is hard. Make it simple by offering your products right at their fingertips. With an in-app checkout integrated into the Eclipse IDE.

Eclipse at a glance

Connect with millions of software developers

Leverage the Eclipse user community for your business—and contribute to an independent open-source ecosystem.

of developers across all industries
monthly installs of the Eclipse IDE
monthly installs from the Eclipse Marketplace
backed by
Founding member with several Eclipse-based products (e.g., Rational, WebSphere).
Strategic member, contributor and committer of Jakarta EE
(formerly Java EE).
Strategic member, committing to Egit, Theia and others with Eclipse-based SAP HANA cloud tools.
Strategic member, contributing to Language Server Protocols, Jakarta EE and others.

Designed and built for developer tools

Seamlessly sell any software tools or products that target and serve Eclipse developers

  • Frameworks
  • Plugins
  • Themes
  • Libraries
  • SaaS & web services
  • Cloud services (IaaS, PaaS)
  • RCP
  • Code

Key features

Everything you need to start selling to millions of Eclipse users—with no upfront costs


Hosted web app for frictionless purchase flows. Make international sales from within your digital environment. Easy, out-of-the-box integration.

  • Website drop-in

  • In-app sales

  • Multi channel

  • Seamless integration

Subscription &
purchase models

Enables online sales for one-time purchases and recurring subscription models. Including free trials and special licenses for academic purposes.

  • Subscription plans

  • One-time purchases

  • Recurring payments

  • Free trials


Ready-to-use technical and legal license framework for all standard license models. Related international EULA templates included. License management for vendors.

  • Single & multi-user

  • Subscription management

  • Licensing system

  • EULA templates


Pre-integrated payment providers for fast and secure end-to-end payment processing. All major payment methods & currencies made available to you and your customers. To go global.

  • Credit card, debit card, PayPal

  • Automated payouts

  • No separate integration required

  • PSD2 compliant

Invoicing &

Fully automated invoicing and billing system. Sales tax calculation for the EU, the US and cross-national transactions included. To ensure compliance for your digital business.

  • Automated invoicing & billing

  • Sales tax calculation

  • For domestic, national & international payments

Identity and access
management (IAM)

Full-fledged IAM for your users and enterprise accounts. Handling of user authentication & authorization for a frictionless user experience from trial & registration to paying customers.

  • Registration, login & logout

  • OAuth support

  • Verification & authorization

  • GDPR compliant

Fewer obstacles,
 more innovation

Yatta Checkout for Eclipse gives you the space to go faster, sell more & do what you do best.

Reach and sell to millions of developers

Connect with the Eclipse user community and start selling to developers right at their fingertips. Help millions of developers to get instant access to the best tools for their job.

Everything you need
 to monetize your tools

Yatta Checkout for Eclipse has everything you need for purchases, payment processing, licenses, invoicing, billing, IAM and more. So you can concentrate on what matters.

Sell worldwide 
with ease

With the Checkout for Eclipse you have all major payment methods and currencies as well as invoicing and billing integrated. Sales tax is calculated and invoiced for you.

Optimize your trial to paid conversion

Yatta Checkout for Eclipse helps you remove friction from your purchase funnel and improves your end users’ UX. With the in-app integration, everything is in the Eclipse IDE.

Conversion Rate Graphic

UML Lab case study

How the Checkout for Eclipse improved sales of our tool UML Lab.

  • Improved conversion rate by 12.7x
  • Increased revenues by 10.6x
Checkout slider
“Anything that helps to bring more successful products and businesses into the Eclipse ecosystem is great! Yatta Checkout is an efficient way to promote and collect in-app payments for Eclipse-based products”

Mike Milinkovich

Executive Director, Eclipse Foundation

Start selling 
your digital products

Frederic Ebelshäuser

Co-Head of Yatta Checkout


Why did we build the 
Checkout for Eclipse?